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Recipes with Ice cubes

Drinks (cold) Cold orange juice Red soda Freshly squeezed ...

Pour the orange juice and ice in a large glass. Pour soda in the glass. Try to get soda vanden to hit ice cubes so you avoid that juice and sodas will be the mix

Drinks (cold) Lemon juice (to taste) Elderflower juice (undiluted) Light syrup ...

stir in syrup and elderflower juice pour in teen in to taste with a little lemon juice. Got ice cubes in getting started

Drinks (cold) Kiwi Vaniliesukker Frozen strawberries ...

First blended A38, bananas, kiwi and ice cubes. So blended jordbærne, sugar and vaniliesukker finally. Garnish, if desired. with a slice of kiwi on the glass. Velbekommen.

Drinks (cold) A38 Banana Milk ...

Peel the pears and bananas and cut them into smaller pieces. Pour the milk and the A38 and blend well. Got ice cubes in and blend again. Serve immediately in tall glass. Tips: Really good one hot summer day!!!

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Strawberry Water ...

Pour a bit of cold water in the bottom of the blænderen. Hug the desired number of ice cubes and mix together with the jordbærne into the blænderen and keep to the drink becomes liquid. Tip: Put a bit more ice cubes than strawberries in and try to fit you

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Sugar Orange (or milk) ...

pressure appelsinen and got the juice in the blender. Came Strawberry and ice cubes in and blend. Add sugar according to taste. Tips: Garnish, if desired an orange slice