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Recipes with Ice cream

Desserts (cold) Slab chocolate Ice cream Cocoa (matilde cocoa) ...

Similar to the ice in a glass. pour the cocoa solids in addition to. Chop the chocolate and sprinkle out over.

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Maple syrup Handful of frozen berries-strawberries blackberries or blackcurrants ...

Prop all together into the blender and blend for 30 seconds, pour it on glass & enjoy it chilled with straws or other stuff. Tips: can also blend with hand blender.

Desserts (cold) Forest fruits Cacao Ice cream ...

take a bowl and pudt it all in and blendt it is Brown and then you put it in a bowl and clots in the freezer for 2 hours and then you take it up and eat it Tips: it take 2 hours to do is not for blondes

Desserts (cold) Werther's original Ice cream Whipped cream ...

First you take the ice up, half an hour before you need it. Hugs Werther's, and whip the cream, here after the cut the ice into pieces and whipped cream, finally met in Werther's krømlet in, and it's all mixed and put in the freezer. Here after is made kara

Desserts (warm) Wheat flour (on slum) so it resembles a thin pandekagedej Ice cream Salt ...

It all blended, pour into a greased baking pan. 190-200 degrees bake in a hot oven for about 20-30 min. it can't be too hard Serve with ice cream.

Desserts (cold) Ice cream Kiwi fruit Alm. vanilla ice cream ...

Bottom: beat the egg whites until stiff and whip the sugar in. chop the almonds fine and stir them in. Behind the bottom in a 22 cm greased springform ca 30 min at 170 a little less by hot air. When the base is baked made it to cool. Take vaniljeisen out of th

Drinks (cold) Sugar Apolliaaris Rhubarb juice ...

boil water and sugar together low tea and pour the juice of the fruit mix pressure therein with rhubarb juice and pour it in the rest let beholdern stand in a cool place ½ hour si the juice in the dressing mix it with cold water and put krystalis in it just be

Desserts (cold) Chocolate gravy Fruit Meringue ...

boil the cream cool it came in a swept form and put the lid on (the paper between form and covers) fill a larger form such as a bucket with the ituhuggede is mixed with salt and saltpeter (the ice may be placed in a clean floor cloth and crushed with a hammer