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Recipes with Grated nutmeg

Mains Basil leaves A handful of chopped herbs (tarragon-parsley-chives) Pepper ...

Make sure you have plenty of time, before you begin with the recipe!!! One starts with making two kinds of fathers: a poultry-and a carrot's father. Poultry sausage meat: run the raw chicken meat in the blender with the salt. Add 2 eggs and then 1 ½ dl cre

Mains Fintsigtet bread crumbs Wheat flour White pepper ...

Grease the edge cut partially free and Striploin plastered free of tendons and loosened from the anchovies, if desired. Beef Striploin is placed on a rack over a roasting pan, season with salt and pepper, and FRY further in the oven at 225 degrees c. alm. o

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Stir in stuffing, along with salt and pepper, whip with whisk or food processor for meat is really cool. Add the egg whites and whip again until completely absorbed. Whip the cream in, little by little. Forcemeat must be firm and to shape. 'S tenderloin. On

Appetizers A little salt Juice of 1 lime Grated nutmeg ...

Bank the meat until it is leveled something out and then cut it into strips, approximately 2 cm wide, and 7 ½-10 cm long. Mix the coconut milk and spices and let the meat stand and pull in the mixture for at least 1 hour. When you have to make the sauce, heat

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Came the cooked and still warm spaghetti in a greased, ovenproof dish. Saute the bacon in a pan and gently fry the Golden dice onions, carrots and celery in it. The meat came in and let it spin to it has changed color. Pour the tomato puree and broth in. Let t

Mains Sea salt White pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Saute the onion and meat in a pan. Add the remaining ingredients. Cook the sauce over a low heat for 10 minutes Melt fat to bechamelsovsen. Whisk the flour in. add milk during whipping. Cook 5 min. to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Put meat sauce, lasagna

Mains Carnations Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

1500 g. lean for mincing with 500 g of fat. When forcemeat is run 3 times through the mincer, kneaded it carefully with ca. 5 dl. cold ham soup and season with salt, pepper, cloves and grated nutmeg. The texture of forcemeat must be steady and easy. Forceme

Cakes in form Grated nutmeg Ground cinnamon or 2 cinnamon sticks Vanilla bars ...

Ice cream: pour the cream and 2 dl milk up in a pan. Add sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, grated nutmeg bars broken and cloves. Warm it slowly up to just below the boiling point. Beat the egg yolks, the rest of the milk and honey together. Add the warm cream mixtu