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Recipes with Grated cheese

Mains Pizza spice aftertaste Salt Pepperoni slices ...

Stir the yeast into the water and flour and salt added. The dough is kneaded smooth and supple and raises covered ½ hour. The dough is divided into 2 pieces, each rolled very thinly. Tomato paste is distributed on the 2 bottoms and the grated cheese sprinkl

Sides Cream el 1 dl milk + egg eggs only if using milk Minced parsley Garlic ...

Coúgetterne torn roughly and salted lightly, after 5 min squeezed the water out through a cloth. The onion chopped and gyldnes in oil, together with coúgetterne, the rest is added. When the mixture is warmed through in a heat-proof platter, the accepted sprink

Mains Wheat flour White pepper Oil ...

Tomato gravy: take a pot put the fresh tomatoes in conjunction with ca. 5 dl. water boil them, blend them. Add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic, take the pan off. Meat sauce: take a new pan melt the margarine add onions and spices lies must be blank. Then add

Mains The dolmio pasta with extra garlic souse Onion Grated cheese ...

saute the onion and Brown køddet. Add dolmoio if necessary. a bit of oregano. Let it boil for about 5 min. Cook the rice in boiling bags. advantage then, alternating meat sauce and rice (as alm. lasange) and sprinkle grated cheese on. Bake in oven at 200 g. fo

Appetizers Grated cheese Thyme to taste 1 – 2-moulded tea spoons Small glass black olives without stones ...

Cook spagettien to the tape, exactly, is soft and supple, favor it in a round fireclay tart form. Open the can of tuna and pre oil out in a small bowl mix thyme and crushed garlic in the oil. The oil with the spices distributed, in addition to spagettien, then

Mains Chile to taste Grated cheese Tortilla pancakes ...

Pan without fat is turned on at full burner 1 tortilla on a bit of all ingredients on and a 1 tortilla on top. Flip when they get color and finished when the cheese is melted. Tips: tastes so good

Appetizers Taco chips Chopped avocado Garlic ...

The entrée is a layer-sharing all of the ingredients in order of use. order: 1 layer: sour cream, cream cheese and garlic mixes together. 2. Chop the tomato flesh and layers: came the upstairs. 3. layer: getting the chopped avocado on 4. layers: getting the ch

Soups Onion (abundant) Grated cheese Salt ...

Cut plenty of onions in thin skiverog let them roast light brown in butter or oil. Then pour hot water or meat extracts (more than you want soup) over and let it cook for 15 minutes, then add salt at will. Cut thin slices and put them on the soup franskbrøds,