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Recipes with Ginger

Mains Ginger Pepper Canola oil ...

Pour rapeseed oil into a small refractory dish and turn the meat into the oil. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and ginger and put the dish in the oven at 225 degrees. Cut the squash into ½ cm thick slices and then in "squares". Cut onion and tomato in both. When

Mains EVS. Chili Yellow, red and green bell pepper-1 of each Pepper ...

The ingredients for marinade are whipped together. The meat is lightly tapped with a fork and stands in the marinade for at least an hour. Pour 2 tbsp. Of marinade on a hot forehead, brown meat until pores are closed. The meat is taken up. Turn the finel

Mains A little rice wine or dry sherry Oil Ginger ...

The meat is cut into very thin slices. The mushrooms are cleansed and divided into quarters. Tomato and onion cut into thin slices. The oil is heated in a wok. Turn the bowl in and fry until it's golden. Then add meat, tomato and mushrooms. It all fry at hi

Appetizers And other spices Pepper Tamari ...

1 kg carrots and 1-2 cm ginger juices. The juice is blended with 1-2 avocados, 1-3 cloves of garlic, the juice from 1 / 2-1 lime fruit (ripe if the color is over in the yellowish) and 1/2 cm fresh red chili without kernels. Season with pepper, tamari, an

Mains Pepper St. Rosemary Ginger ...

Mix all ingredients or potatoes. marinade. Put the meat in and let it marinate for about 2 hours. Turn around occasionally. Pour marinade off and wipe the meat before placing it under the grill or on the griddle, if necessary. With a little fat on. St

Mains Brystkød from a hen Glutamates Ginger ...

The meat is cut into thin slices and browned in oil together with chopped onions. Soy sauce, wine, mushrooms and spices are added and everything boils slightly for approx. 20 min. Peppers and pears are cut well, spinning is a couple of minutes in oil and ad

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The onions are peeled and chopped. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. The sheet celery is rinsed and cut into small pieces. The chops are seasoned with salt and pepper, browned on both sides of the fat in a deep forehead and taken up. Onions, carr

Mains Vinegar Corn flour Pepper ...

Rids the shanks all the way around the sword with a sharp knife. Rub salt, syrup and pepper into the meat and allow it to take an hour. Mix the beer with cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and orange peel and juice. Marinate the meat for 24 - 48 hours. Turn along.