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Recipes with Eggs

Mains Fine bread crumbs for Breading Green peas Hazel back potatoes ...

The freshly caught hornfish are cleansed, scraped and rinsed; Find cut off. The fish is deboned. When the fish is ready, sprinkle it with a little salt and "pull" approx. ½ hour in the fridge. The salt is rinsed off and the fish is divided into suitable pie

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Oregano, dried Parmesan cheese. Reef ...

The aubergines are cut for approx. 0.5 cm thick slices sprinkle with salt and pull approx. 10 min. The eggplant is diced with a piece of paper roll. The eggplant is placed in a frying pan. The meat sauce is prepared Meat sauce: The onions (in small tern

Mains Fresh, trimmed lovage leaves A little Basil Pepper ...

Whip the whole egg with cream and pepper to the scrambled eggs and put into a pan with the melted butter. For low heat, lighten the egg mass and stir slowly and quietly in the mass. When it is like a slightly uneven cream, the pot is taken from the heat and th

Mains Lime juice Corn flour to jævning Pepper ...

The jaws are dripped with a little lime juice and baked in butter for 2 minutes on both sides. Season with salt and pepper. The mussels are well cleaned and steamed under high heat under the lid in the sautéed onion, added with wine and water. Shake the pan du

Drinks (cold) EVS. Oatmeal or a little cocoa Sugar Eggs ...

Whip egg and sugar until it is thick. Mix with cocoa and / or oatmeal.

Mains Kødsnor Milk Pepper ...

Put the meat in a bowl of garlic and onions. Put in a little rasp and pour a little milk by stirring it and season with salt and pepper (it's just like a faddy's father). Cook the cauliflower head so it becomes tender (completely soft so you can peel off the l

Cakes in form Buttermilk Baking soda Butter ...

Mix butter and sugar together, stir the eggs in one goat, baking soda, chopped almonds and chopped chocolate mixed with flour and add to the buttermilk, all together to a uniform dough filled in a pan of bread. 20x24 cm. Bake on the bottom groove at 200 deg

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Vanilla ...

Melt and cool the margarine. Mix all the ingredients together into a rather stiff dough. Put the dough on a plate of baking paper as small peaks with two teaspoons. baking time: Bake at 180 degrees until brown on the edge