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Recipes with Eggs

Cold cuts Pepper Juice of 1 orange and must Salt ...

DUP liver pieces dry. Brown them in half of the butter. Pull them off. Came the rest of the butter in the pan. Sauté the onion in it for a few minutes. Com port wine, orange juice and-to be on, and cook the forehead of. Allow the mixture to be cold. Cut the 1/

Cookies Extra flour to roll out Baking soda Eggs ...

Chop the almonds finely in food processor. Add the remaining ingredients to the dough and run it along with the chopped almonds. Knead the dough together with your hands and put the cold 1 hour in the refrigerator. Roll the dough out on a melstrøet Board and c

Desserts (warm) Grated nutmeg Vanilla essence Brown sugar ...

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Brush a heat-proof Bowl (1 L) with melted butter. Whisk eggs, sugar, milk, whipping cream and vanilla in a medium bowl for 1 minute and pour the mixture into the buttered dish. Style the bowl in a low baking Tin and pour as much h

Cakes Jams Cream Cold water ...

The eggs, beat for 2 minutes and then the sugar added ig mass whipped thick. Bagepulveret mixed with the flour and reversed in the batter along with the water. A piece of wax paper folds with edges like a roasting pan. The batter is poured in it and is dist

Appetizers Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh Lemon ...

The tomatoes should be drained to approximately half. Drain the tuna and stir well in a bowl. The eggs boil about 8 minutes, chop coarsely and place in the tuna along with the peeled tomatoes, which are chopped well. Everything is stirred well with sour cream-

Mains Onion Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Peel peeled and cut into slices, boil in salted water 10-12 minutes. Turn the slices in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs mixed with a smuggled salt. FRY then on the forehead. The onion cut into slices and FRY in the pan.

Cookies Eggs Cardamom, ground Salt ...

Chop the almonds roughly Mix the flour, baking powder and spices, but hold the 2 dl of flour back, which are added gradually Mix rest of ingredients in and knead the dough together When the dough is kneaded without can hang in your fingers, splitting

Cookies Baking soda Lemon peel Vanilla pod ...

Almonds roasted in a dry teflon pan. Share the eggs and beat the egg yolks with sugar and vanilliekorn, until it is thick and light yellow. The egg whites whipped stiff and reversed in the dough. Lemon zest, toasted almonds, wheat flour and baking powder mi