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Recipes with Egg white

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Boil the beans in salted water for 3 minutes. Whip eggs, egg whites and ricotta together in a bowl. Add beans, halved tomatoes, salmon, basil, salt and pepper. Lubricate a mold of approx. 7 cm in diameter, and the mass came here. Bake the eggcake in the ove

Cakes 100 g finely chopped nuts or almonds Egg yolk Egg white ...

Tear the almond and mix it with sugar and egg white. Sprinkle or put the dough into small rounds or elongated cakes on a baking sheet with baking paper. Give the cakes a hard pressure with a finger to make them even. Let them rest on the plate for 30 minutes b

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream United crushed daim Sugar ...

The egg whips are whipped stiff, sugar comes in, whipped again, finally turning rice crispies in. The dough is spread over 2 bake plates, to make them even larger, it is recommended to draw 2 circles after a flat plate on the baking paper and fill the dough in

Cookies Carnation Eggs Egg white ...

Ginger, syrup and magarine melted together. Spices and soda are stirred in. When the mass is lukewarm, eggs and flour are stirred. The dough was kneaded through and rested for 1 hour or until the next day. The dough is rolled out for approx. ½ cm. Thickness

Mains Baking soda Wheat flour Milk ...

The cod fillets are cut into smaller pieces. The remaining Ingredients are placed in a food processor or blended. The cod meat is added a little at a time. Fathers move smoothly. Pull ½-1 hour in refrigerator. The fathers are shaped into 6 friezes. Step for

Cakes in form Milk Baking soda Butter ...

Whip egg yolks and sugar foaming. Melt the butter and let it cool off. Add flour and baking soda gradually with the butter. Add the milk. Peel the apples and cut them in either or write (what you like most). Turn on the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. oven.

Cookies Egg white Granulated sugar Nuts ...

It all balances with a spoon. Bake at 200 gr for about 12 min

Mains Pepper Salt Egg yolk ...

Fish and onion is run through the mincer. Forcemeat touched chewy with salt and egg white, on the mixer 5-10 minutes. The cooked potatoes, Bacon cut into coarse shreds very fine cubes and they stirred in the forcemeat with wheat flour, egg yolk, milk and pe