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Recipes with Desiccated coconut

Cookies Grated must of 2-3 lemons Wheat flour Melted butter ...

Whip the whites easily stiff. Mix the dry ingredients and add the butter and lemon peel to the end. Gather the dough well. It must be soft and float slightly on the plate. Heat the oven up to 170 g. Place the dough with a bag in small plates on the plate, whi

Cakes Condensed milk Vanilla sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Turn on oven 200 gr. Mix coconut flour, milk and vanilla sugar. Form the mass of balls of a walnut size, put them on baking paper on a baking sheet and leave for about 10-12 minutes until they are light brown at the edges. tips: Quick fast to bake and very

Cakes in form Boiling water Peach juice Vanilla sugar ...

Blend peaches and peach juice. Tear the carrots. Melt the butter / margarine and mix it with the sugar. Stir the eggs at one time. Add carrots, peaches, coconut flour, vanilla sugar and baking soda. Stir well together. Add the flour. Distribute the doug

Cakes in form Wheat flour Sugar Chopped Walnut kernels ...

Rinse the berries and dip them dry. Mix berries and sugar together and let it pull for 10-15 minutes. Crumbberries: Bowl flour and coconut flour in a bowl. Add the butter and crumble it to large breadcrumbs. Mix sugar and nuts in. Distribute the berri

Breakfast & brunch When I write, I mean the alm size bags you buy in as NET Hazelnuts Almonds ...

Chop nuts and almonds roughly. The honey was about 40 seconds in the microwave to make it slightly fluid. Put it all in a large bowl and knead / stir well. Put it all in a baking paper-coated deep baking sheet and spread it into a smooth layer. Turn the ov

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Water Sugar ...

Water and sugar are boiled under stirring for 5 minutes. Cool in a refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Whip coconut milk with the sugar layer. Freeze / stir approx. 40 minutes in ice machine. Can also be made in alm. Freezes at approx. 3 hours, but only stirrin

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Milk Wheat flour ...

Whip egg and sugar together, very light yellow. Mix the rest here except melis, butter and water. Bring the dough into lentil shaped molds, cook the cakes in the oven approx. 15 min. In an oven that is 200 degrees C hot. Take out the cakes and start with ic

Cakes in form Desiccated coconut Butter Wheat flour ...

Cut the rhubarb into pieces approx. 1 cm. Long, sprinkle 5 teaspoons. Sugar over and let it pull for a couple of hours. Whip egg and sugar thick and foaming. Sift the flour and stir well. Then gently turn the rhubarb in. Bring the dough into a greased form