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Recipes with Chopped tomatoes, canned

Mains Pepper Salt Cocktail sausages, canned ...

Start with putting rice or pasta. Saute the bacon in a pan without fat, take it up on a plate. Fry the chopped onion in the bacon grease and evnt a little extra oil. Add the minced beef and Brown it. Baconet came back in the pan together with the peel

Mains Olive oil Basil, fresh Green bell pepper ...

The chicken is split into smaller pieces as Brown well and seasoned with salt and pepper. The pieces are taken up and placed in a heat-proof platter. Finely chopped garlic, squash into cubes, finely chopped bell pepper, finely chopped chilies, oregano, and

Mains Pepper Salt Green bell pepper ...

Share the chicken into serving pieces and season them with salt and pepper. Allow the oil to be hot and Brown chicken pieces on all sides. Take them up. Sauté the sliced onion and crushed garlic cloves in oil. Came the sliced mushrooms in and let them simme

Mains Pepper Chopped tomatoes, canned Dried Marjoram ...

Mix tomatoes and broth and bring to the boil. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of approx. 3 x 3 cm. Arrow and chop onion. 'S bladselleriet and cut it fine. Came potatoes, onions and celery in the pan. Let Cook 10 min. and season with Marjoram, salt

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Put chicken thighs in a greased casserole dish and roast them in the oven for 50 min at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Chili's on along the crack and remove the seeds under running water. Chop them. Melt the butter in a saucepan and saute the chopped onion in

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Put chicken thighs in an ovenproof dish, season with salt and pepper. Set the dish in the oven at 225 degrees c. alm. oven. Fry the chicken thighs until tender about 40 minutes. Cut the leeks into rings. Cut the grossest of the top on the fennel lengthways

Mains Basil, fresh Pepper Salt ...

Rub chicken fillets with salt, pepper and Herbes de Provense. Arrow and chop garlic and onion. Rinse the vegetables. Inserts squashen into cubes. Halve the peppers and remove the seeds and white membrane and stilkefæstet-striml peberfrugten rough. Heat 2

Sides Pepper Salt Red bell pepper ...

Brown the bacon in the pan. The onions cut into half rings, the red pepper, cut into cubes and Brown in the pan. The peeled tomatoes, bacon, onions and bell peppers and cream mix in a bowl and stir together well and pour out of kartofelskiverne. Be ma