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Recipes with Cheese

Lunch Oregano Pepper Salt ...

Butter the toast the bread m butter, and then butter the leek. Spread the ham on toast bread and season with salt and pepper. Cut 4 slices of the rinsed tomato and spread them on the ham. Now put a cheese slice on the tomato and the ham is spiced with orega

Soups French bread Cheese Pepper ...

Cut the onions in large cubes and turn them into the pan until golden. Add the soup and let it boil for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Pour it into a serving bowl. Cut a slice of french bread without a crust and put it on top of the soup. Finally add

Sandwiches Olive Dried oregano Toast bread ...

The tomatoes are cut into slices, sausage in strips and olives in slices. Tomatoes, sausage and olives are put on the bread. Sprinkle with oregano and the cheese is poured over. Gratin in the oven approx. 5 min. Under the grill

Mains Oregano Paprika Pepper ...

Put the rice over and boil as directed. The fathers are shaped into 4 large and thin steaks. On 2 of the steaks, place 1 slice of cheese and tomato slices and sprinkle with oregano. Lay the 2 other steaks over and close well with your fingers. Be careful

Lunch Butter for frying Cayenne pepper Wheat flour ...

Mix flour and cayenne pepper, add milk, egg yolks and butter and whip the dough well together. Add ham, cheese and parsley. Whip the whites stiff and carefully turn the dough into. Bake eight small pancakes. They must be thick.

Lunch Pepper Salt Butter ...

The top is cut off the bollards and the bow is taken out. Stir the butter with salt, pepper and curry and lubricate. The cheese is put in and an egg is thrown out. Season the spices in the oven for 15 minutes. By 200 gr until the eggs are stiffened.

Mains Cheese Pepper Salt ...

Divide the cauliflower into bouquets and boil it. Place the cauliflower bouquets in a greased oven dish. Whip egg, milk or coffee, salt and pepper together and mix the cauliflower. Bring butterflakes over the gratin. Bag the gratin in the middle of th

Cakes Salt Ground black pepper Baking soda ...

Grate the cheese. Dec 1 dc to decorate. Flour and baking soda are mixed together. The butter is crumbled. Salt, pepper and cheese are added. The milk is poured in. Slice the dough easily and form it into 2 large, round cakes, put on baking paper and cut into 8