Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Chicken fillet Parmesan cheese Wholemeal pasta. (or plain light pasta) ...

1. Add water to boil to the pasta. 2. Rinse the broccoli and cut it into small bouquets. 3. Put them in a bowl of cold water. 4. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin slices. 5. Put them in the bowl with the cold water. 6. Bring the pasta to the pan. 7

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

The chest is covered with water in a spacious pot when it begins to boil the fumes and cloudiness of the foam with a bean. ' Add salt, carrot, onions, parsnip and parsley, boil approx. 1.5-2 hours until it is tender. Take your chest up and let it rest. Th

Mains Meatballs Dumplings Water ...

Cut the bacon into pieces and put the bacon in the pan to make the soup. Once you have fried the bacon, put the water in and all the vegetables. Let it boil and boil and let it boil for 3 minutes. When cooked, take meat and flour rolls and let it boil for 4

Mains Butternut squash Virgin olive oil Herbs, if desired. Santa maria ...

Mix the oil with honey, salt and herbs. Butternut, carrots and potatoes are cut into 3x3 cm tern and turned into it and picked up and put into a refractory dish. The beetroots are cut into 2x2 cm and turn in the rest of the oil spice mixture. Beetrooters

Salads Salt Large cloves garlic Creme fraise 9% ...

Peel the carrots, tear them fine on the grater or on a kitchenaid. Mix the cream fry with garlic and season with salt Put the tassikie in the fridge 1 hour before serving. tips: Taste good to Forlor hair or a pickle

Appetizers A little margarine Pepper Salt ...

Put the brown beef in a saucepan with a little margarine, cut white cabbage into small pieces, rinse guillemots, potatoes and celery and slice it into smaller pieces, slice ginger and onions in rings. Bring all the vegetables in the pan with the browned dad an

Mains Green bell pepper Handful of Basil Handful of parsley ...

Kalkunsteg: Shake the pine nuts. Take Garlic, Sun dried tomatoes, Parsley, Basil and Pinjekerner along with approx. 1/2 dl oil and blend it. The mass would like to remind you of a pesto consistency. Cut the turkey breast through the middle, so there is an u

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Put the meat in neutrally flavoring oil in a deep saucepan. Chop the onions and cut the carrots into slices. When the meat is browned add onions and carrots. Let the onions become golden and then add the snap and the coffee. Allow the alcohol to evaporate a