Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter or margarine

Bread, buns & biscuits Finely grated carrot Salt Oatmeal ...

Mix the grated carrots with salt and let them stand for a few minutes. Stir the yeast into the milk. Add the first oatmeal and stir, then carrots, who now also have formed a little fluid. Add half of the flour. Stir in the melted fat in conjunction with

Appetizers Lemon both Pepper Salt ...

Pour the oil from the tuna. Chop the cucumbers and plane the horseradish. Mix tuna, cucumbers and horseradish in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Butter bread slices with butter or margarine and put them on 4 asietter. Put a salatbæad on each and benefit t

Desserts (warm) Butter for dish Ground ginger Ground nutmeg ...

Set the oven at 200 degrees. Butter a baking dish with butter. Mix flour, oatmeal, farm, walnuts, ginger and nutmeg in a bowl. Mix well. Stir in butter and honey in melblandingen using a fork or a mørdejs-mixes for it will be a smuldredej. Style to the page. M

Cakes Icing sugar Almonds Water ...

Mix the flour well with sugar, crumble the fat in it and add the raisins. Warm milk and stir the yeast out herein and knead it all together well. Style dough to uplift on a warm place about 30 minutes. Roll the dough out, shape it like a man, wife (or anyth

Lunch Chicken broth or water Nutmeg Pepper ...

Make broccolien able and part it into smaller pieces. Boil it in broth or water until it is tender. Let it run well. Findel broccolien in a blender. (Save possibly a few flowers for garnish). Stir in eggs and cream in and season with salt and pepper. Pour the

Mains Some drops of water Pepper Salt ...

Crush crackers and mix them with butter. Add a few drops of water into a firm dough. Roll the dough out and place it in a greased oven-proof form. Pre-baked in 10 min at 200 °. Cook them for about 10 min. with Peel. Peel and cut them into slices and place it i

Cakes in form Salt Egg yolk Milk ...

Dough: knead the ingredients together well in a bowl, and the dough is allowed to rest for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Fill: Kvarken is allowed to drain in a sieve and mix with sugar, then the egg yolks and the remaining ingredients. The egg whites whipped

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Hvidkaalen boiled until tender in salted water. The flour is mixed with milk to a Jævning that is cooked well through still Whipping. Butter irøres. The pot is taken by the fire, and they together beaten eggs, Salt and Pepper are added. Finally mix in it the p