Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Bay leaf

Mains Chili powder Pepper Dried thyme ...

Cook the ham for about 1 hour and cut it into slices. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes until tender. Wine vinegar, salt, pepper, thyme, bay leaf and chilli powder mixed into a pot. The mixture boils over at even heat. Then add the broth and sauce to the cooked som

Mains White pepper Rispilav Salt ...

Put the chicken in a pan and water came over so that it just covers. Boil the soup up the foam and add, then black and white peppercorns, bay leaf, it peeled the onion and the shared redecorated carrots. Shock saffron with one teaspoon. salt in a mortar or sim

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Heat the oil in a pan and flip it udskivede onions-peeled and finely chopped garlic in it, without taking any further color. Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and sauté them Golden on all sides in the same pan. Peel the tomatoes, hold them for a moment in

Sides Salt Parsley Bay leaf ...

Came the rice in a large bowl and cover with well salted water. Let it stand for a few hours. SI water from. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and spin the rice therein 3-5 minutes without it takes color. Add twice as much broth or water, as the rice

Sides Salt Parsley Bay leaf ...

Came the rice in a large bowl and cover with well salted water. Let it stand for a few hours. SI water from. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and spin the rice therein 3-5 minutes without it takes color. Add twice as much broth or water, as the rice

Base recipes Basil Bay leaf Rosemary ...

Provence spice consists of basil, bay leaf, Rosemary, savory and thyme

Mains Salt Pilsner Brown sugar ...

Brown sugar is mixed in the Lager. Roughly chopped onion, bay leaf, peppercorns and salt added and koteletterne is added in the marinade in 1 day. To invert a few times. Koteletterne is taken up by the marinade, Blot dry and FRY 5 minutes per side. The mari

Mains Pepper from the grinder Balsamic vinegar Lemon ...

Honey spinach: chop and steam the spinach in the water, which hangs at the væden and let evaporate. Place it on a platter. Melt the honey in balsamic vinegar, along with Rosemary, grated lemon peel and soy at medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion and garli