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Recipes with Bananas

Cakes Chopped chocolate Sugar Whipped cream ...

Melt 100 g. Butter in a saucepan, stir the crushed digestive together with the butter. Then squeeze it all in a 19 cm shape, let it cool for approx. 30 min. Bring the remaining butter (150 g.) And sugar into a pan and let it melt, then put condensed milk in

Drinks (cold) Sugar Dark chocolate Berries (strawberries hinbær blackberries etc.) ...

Chocolate chopped, and all ingredients are blended. Tips: Can supleres with whipped cream.

Various Banana ice cream/vanilieis Honeydew melon Boiling water ...

cut the chokeberry in ferrets/pieces not small not big just between pieces, whole flormelis'et in a kob/Bowl and came the boiling water in it around the fruit and glaser. put the glazed fruit on a talerken and ice came next. Tips: a good dessert to led foo

Drinks (cold) Mini milk Lime fruit Small teaspoons vanilla sugar ...

Sweet the tablets dissolve in the little bit of boiling water or by adding other artificial, liquid sweetener. Pour all ingredients in tall plastic container and blend with hand blender, milk is poured in, depending on where the liquid must be smoothien.

Cakes in form Chocolate Lemons--> must + juice Baking soda ...

Whip the eggs with the sugar and finely grated lemon zest airy. Mash the bananas with 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Mix the flour and baking powder Pipes then flour + bagpulver in dough with bananas. Add the finhakket chocolate Fill greased form and Bake 30

Cakes (or as much as you think is best) (can also be a different color than Brown use so possibly food coloring or nothing instead of cocoa) Icing sugar ...

Mash the bananas together with the icing sugar and butter it on the bottom. Put the second bottom on. Pipe icing along the butter on the top and bottom. Garnish with Smarties. Tips: The children usually eat for there is no more back to the children's fø

Desserts (cold) Hakked chocolate pieces Frozen raspberries Bananas ...

style the 3 glass on the table chip chocolate pieces and leak them in blenderren put raspberry end Blender put the strawberries in the Blender put the bananas in the Blender if you need URf.eks likes pineapple can also be used almost all fruits can be used

Lunch (to go) Vaniliesukker Wheat flour Bananas ...

Mash the bananas and pour them in a shoulder harness pour flour into milk and stir and came vaniliesukker and usually sugar dough for buns and i. splat it out and fry them in a frying pan. Tips: tastes good with a glass of milk and a little chocolate sprin