Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with A little grated lemon peel

Cakes A little grated lemon peel Cinnamon Cardamom ...

The margarine is melted and cooled off. All ingredients are mixed together and stirred well together Pour grease on the forehead and put a pancake at a time tips: It is straightforward and tastes incredibly good - cardamom and cinnamon give an incredib

Mains White pepper A little grated lemon peel Pasta, if desired. mixed with fresh spinach svitset in oil or broccoli florets ...

Sauce Whisk broth and cream cheese together in a small saucepan. Warm slowly up. Whisk cream and cornstarch together and smooth sauce. Season to taste with lemon juice and a little grated rind. Cut the bacon into thin strips and fry them crispy on a dry pan.

Cookies Slightly crushed anise A little grated lemon peel Baking soda ...

Mix flour, sugar, vanilla, possibly. citrus peel, anise and baking soda. Re-assemble it with eggs and knead the dough for 2-3 Tril in tonsils. cm wide sausages and set on wax paper. Brush with the beaten egg and bake them at 180 ° in 15-20 minutes. Cut them ou

Cakes A little grated lemon peel Cardamom Ground cloves ...

In the not-too-large pan mix the syrup, fat and sugar. Who is stirred well around while it gently to the boil. The pot is taken as of fire, and the mixture is cooled a bit before flour, potash and spices added with the scalded, slipped and coarsely chopped alm

Breakfast & brunch A little grated lemon peel Grated nutmeg Corn flour starch powder ...

Mix water and milk powder in a bowl, and stir it well in through to the get a smooth surface. Next, add the half a nutmeg, stir it well again. Add now the bag with corn flour powder while you touch it well and truly in through. Now ymeren in the fridge for abo