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Desserts (warm) recipes

Desserts (warm) Lime juice Oil for frying Syrup ...

Beat pancake batter together. Came oil on a hot pan and pour ¾ cups batter on. Behind the pancakes light brown on both sides. Keep warm in the oven. Peel the bananas and cut them into slices. Got them in a bowl and squeeze lime juice over. Slice the passion fr

Desserts (warm) Vegetable oil Chilled cooked long grain rice Sugar ...

Term the flour into a large bowl. Add sugar and coconut and mix. make a recess in the middle and pour coconut milk in. mix to a steady, thick batter with a round bladed knife. Add the mango puree, eggs and rice and mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Heat

Desserts (warm) Water Sugar Egg yolks ...

Come on sugar and water in a saucepan and stir over low flame until sugar is dissolved. Boil up and boil again, to sugar sirup will be ready and the texture thicker. Twisting the egg yolks through a muslin cloth into a bowl. Got a bit of egg mixture in an icin

Desserts (warm) Salt Corn flour Sugar ...

Boil 5 cups coconut milk, sugar and salt in a pan while stirring. Whisk the cornmeal and the last ¾ dl coconut milk together for a steady jævning. No one in the Pan and stir smooth tubes, to the cream boils and begins to tykne. Add the banana slices, and let s

Desserts (warm) Eggs Coconut milk Desiccated coconut ...

Mix sifted sugar and coconut flakes, and whip with so slowly coconut milk in without forming lumps. It should be a uniform smooth dough. Got eggs and mango puree in and mix together. Com 3 drops of fat on a teflon pan and bake approx. 1 dl. dough at medium hea

Desserts (warm) Brown sugar Lemon juice Grated coconut ...

Heat oven up to 180 º. Peel the bananas and cut them through lengthwise. Put the halved bananas in a deep, ovenproof dish with the curved side facing you. Drizzle lemon juice over and sprinkle the brown sugar and coconut on top. Behind the bananas in the oven

Desserts (warm) Macaroons Wheat flour Syrup, light ...

The mixed berries is poured out in a heat-proof dish and sugar sprinkled over it. Hazel nuts are chopped. The other ingredients are assembled as well as possible in a bowl. Like to use the hands to get it to hang together. Friable dough over the filling

Desserts (warm) Vanilla pod Cane sugar Raisins ...

Set the oven at 150 degrees c. alm. oven. Warm cream and a vanilla pod in a saucepan up to just below the boiling point. Take the Pan from the heat and let it soak about 10 minutes under the lid. Remote vanillestangen. Beat the egg yolks with half the su