Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains Garlic powder Tabasco sauce Peeled tomatoes ...

Flour, corn flour, salt and water are stirred together. The dough rests for half an hour before baking. Bake on the forehead in quite a little margarine. Approximately approx. 2/3 dl dough per. pancake. Baking time: 2-3 minutes on each side.


Sides Chopped herbs Pepper Salt ...

Blend all the ingredients together and bag small, thick pancakes of dough on a hot forehead....

Sides Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Peel and tear potatoes and cabbage pie. Pour them off and sprinkle finely chopped onions. Then add the other ingredients. Finally stir a little rasp in to reduce the moisture. Stir them in ample olive oil. Can either be baked as small, flat cakes or large, fil...

Desserts (warm) Oil Whole milk Vanilla pod ...

Eggs, milk, vanilla grains, almonds and maizena pour into bowl and stir well. The butter is melted and browned easily. Cool easily and mix into the bowl. The strawberries are flushed. Put about 100 g side to decorate and mash the rest with a fork. The pancakes...

Desserts (warm) Eggs Salt Melted margarine ...

Mix flour, salt and oatmeal. Whip the egg into a bowl with dough, milk and melted margarine. Stir flour, salt and oatmeal in. Leave the dough for 30 minutes or - if it is more convenient - cover and let it stand overnight and whip again before using the dough....

Appetizers Pandekagedej Pepper Salt ...

Bag 10-12 small pancakes.

Chopped onions are chopped in oil. Garlic and peppers are added. Chopped meat and peppers are switched. Let it boil 5 minutes.

Chopped onions are chopped in oil. Pepper and garlic are added before broth and tom...

Lunch (to go) Mayonnaise Rye bread with 1 tenderloin or steak (from supper) Cherry tomatoes ...

Put the steak on one half slice of rye bread, butter the other slice with a little mayonnaise and smash them together. Grab the food in food paper. Potatoes and tomatoes are put in a bag or box and sprinkle with a little coarse salt....

Lunch (to go) Remnant of e.g. meat sauce Tomato, sliced Tortillas ...

Fold tortillas to quarters or roll them as pancakes and pack them into food paper. Pour the meat sauce into a tight bowl, together with the tomato in slices....