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Recipes with Yogurt

Mains Groftkværnet pepper Salt Onion ...

To this right should choose good spicy sausages with meat and very little fat. Cooking time: approx. ½ hour. Stir in mayonnaise and yoghurt together. Cut the olives into small dice or chop them coarsely. Arrow the onion and cut it into small cubes. Arrow white

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The oil is heated in the Pan and Brown the meat in it. Add 1 sliced Leek. Tomato concentrate and water added with spices. Let the sauce Cook for 5 minutes. Eggs and yogurt whipped together and season with spices. Plates and ham sauce be layered in a baki

Soups Dill Salt Garlic ...

Hot youghurten up, add garlic, walnut and salt that are mixed together. Finally add the finely chopped cucumber and dill. The soup can be diluted with water according to taste.

Soups Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients blended together and placed on ice for a few hours, season with lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Serve with fried tandoorirejer and fresh mint.

Salads Salt Prepared from grated augurk Yogurt ...

Spoon the yoghurt on a coffee filter and let it stand and drip in my 2 hours of it has a thick consistency. Tube cucumber garlic and season with salt.

Desserts (cold) Cane sugar Syrup Thyme ...

Style yoghurt for draining in a coffee filter at least a couple of hours and preferably overnight. Lightly whip the cream stiff. Season to taste with sugar and vanilla. Turn the cream skimmed with yoghurt. Boil water and sugar up and stir until sugar is com

Salads Lettuce cucumber, cut into cubes Dried fenugreek leaves (kasuri methi) horns, crushed lightly with your fingers Ground black pepper ...

Stir the yoghurt sharply up with salt and spices, which are marked with #. Mix with cucumber, tomatoes and onions. Garnish with chilli rings and dried bucks horns leaves. Style salad to cool until it is to be served.

Mains Cucumber (chopped) Cayenne pepper Desiccated coconut ...

Other Blot dry and cutting some deep incision through the skin and meat. Mix the ingredients for the marinade. Second place in a plastic bag and pour the marinade into the bag. Advantage the marinade all over the other. Other must now marinate 8 – 24 hours in