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Recipes with White wine vinegar

Mains Pepper Salt Cane sugar ...

Peberfrugt Compote: Start with the peppers: Halvér the peppers and remove the seeds. Turn them in oil and bake them in the oven with skin side upward at 275 degrees c. alm. oven until the skin gets dark/black. Take them out, put them in a plastic bag and le

Salads White wine vinegar Salt Lettuce head ...

Lettuce head and the peppers chopped finely and mix. The cucumber cut into slices. These are cut into quarters and mix together with the lettuce head and peberfrugten. The tomatoes are cut according to taste and mix with the rest. White wine vinegar poure

Sauces Pepper Juice of ½ a lemon Tarragon ...

Cut the top and stick by. Bring to a boil the artichokes in 1 litre salted water with lemon juice and tarragon stems. Boil them until tender about 20 min. Came the vegetables and boil them until tender. Take the artichokes and vegetables up and boil the bri

Sauces Pepper Juice of ½ a lemon Tarragon ...

Cut the top and stick by. Bring to a boil the artichokes in 1 litre salted water with lemon juice and tarragon stems. Boil them until tender about 20 min. Came the vegetables and boil them until tender. Take the artichokes and vegetables up and boil the bri

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Sprinkle the chicken with salt and pepper and 4 -5 fat crushed garlic (inside) and place on a bottom of very thin slices of lemon and pepper in a refractory dish - add if necessary. Little oil and white wine at the bottom. The chicken is cooked in the oven at

Mains Season with freshly ground pepper Cayenne Cayenne powder ...

Frying with direct heat can not be used as the rub will burn, Suitable for ball grill by indirect heat. Ingredients for the rub Mixed in a bowl with a whipping start with the dump that tends to clump. Remove the membranes from the back of the combs and