Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes Atamon Briochedej Extra flour to knead with ...

Finally, the jam: wash strawberries and remove flower, rinse the rhubarb, and cut the bottom and top off, then cut the rhubarb into pieces of 1 cm, cut the vanillestængerne in 3 pieces and got it all in a pan along with sugar. Cook it for 45 minutes, foam of a

Cakes Eggs Cardamom Salt ...

Cream: Stir the corn flour into a little cold milk. Came the rest of the milk, æggeblom mer, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan and warm up under the Mediterranean heat. Add the corn flour mixture and boil the cream through a couple of minutes. Refrigerate the

Cakes in form Brown sugar Eggs Wheat flour ...

Cut the rhubarb into smaller pieces of raw mix them with wheat flour, sugar and egg mass placed in a heat-proof dish 24 cm. in diameter. To smuldredej mix brown sugar, wheat flour and butter chop it together and benefit it over the rhubarb. Bake in the o

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Roughly chopped white chocolate ...

Stir in sugar and butter soft. Add the eggs and stir well. Mix the flour, baking powder, hazelnut, white chocolate and marzipan gently together into dough. Set the dough with spoons on a baking sheet with wax paper. Push them a little flatter and behind

Cakes in form Eggs Mango Milk ...

Whip eggs and sugar for easy egg mass. Stir in butter in under the whipping. Whisk the milk into the mass. Mix the baking soda into flour and term it in the batter, stirring. Cut the rhubarb into slices of 1 cm's length and turn it in the mass together with

Cakes in form A little water Lemon grated zest and juice of which (may be omitted) Egg yolk ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees (hot air) Collect the dough for pastry and roll it out, so it can hold a pie dish. Forbag it for 10 minutes at 180 degrees with aluminum foil along the edge so the batter doesn't slide down (may be omitted) raspberries on the bo

Candy Wheat flour Coffee ready made Whole milk ...

Indgredienserne mix well together and stir well, possibly. with electric beater on lowest strength. the finished mixture is put in the refrigerator for one hour. Then rolled into small balls. the balls rolled in a deep dish with a mixture of sugar and cocon

Cakes in form A little cold water Fine salt Vanilla pod ...

Blend the almonds into flour in a food processor. Come on wheat flour and butter into small pieces in. run to parmesan like consistency. Add sugar. Pour the dough out on the table. Reassemble it in your hand with the egg yolk and possibly. a little water. K