Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Cakes in form Green food coloring Milk Almond essence ...

butter and sugar stir well together. stir in the eggs a little at a time. stir in flour and baking powder alternately with milk. almond essence and stir in food coloring with a light hand in the end. put the dough in a baking pan with baking paper (appro

Desserts (patisserie) Boiling milk Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Cocoa bottoms: butter and sugar is stirred together into white foam. Add the eggs one at a time. Flour, baking powder, vanilla and cocoa mixed together, and turned into egg mixture alternately with the milk. pour into springform and Bake at 200 C for about

Cakes in form Walnut kernels Salt Vanilla sugar ...

Sift flour and salt together and set aside. Melt butter and chocolate together in a water bath. Stir in half of the sukkert in the mixture and stir well. Remove the Bowl from the water bath and stir vanilien in. Pour the mixture over in a larger mixing bowl

Mains Freshly ground pepper The butter and the oil can be replaced by becel liquid Wheat flour ...

Came the flesh in a bowl and stir it cool with salt. Peel the onion and grate it finely on a grater. Put it in the forcemeat. Stir in pepper and flour in. Beat the egg out and stir it in also. stir in milk, a little at a time and mix everything well together.

Sides Together the beaten egg Sesame or flax seed Sugar ...

melt the butter and it came in a mixing bowl. Add the milk and stir the yeast out. Mix remaining ingredients in (keep a little of the flour back). Knead the dough through, until it is glossy and smooth. Add if necessary. remaining flour. Style it to uplift a w

Mains Pepper Parsley Chives ...

Peel and grate the courgetten coarsely, sprinkle with salt and place it in a sieve for about ½ hour. Then the liquid from the cloud. Chop the onion very finely grate the gulerodden and mix it all together. Feta, flour and eggs mixed in. Then pureløg, chopp

Mains Blandene small salads URf.eks. Mangold and feld salad and mustard leaves Salt Basil ...

Mix salt and milk, and flour in this term. Stir together, then add the eggs one at a time, and stir it all together. Fault basilikummen, picking leaves from the stems, and joined them in a blender with the dough, and blend to a smooth dough. Style the cold

Cakes The glaze of icing touched up with hot water Crushed walnuts Liqueur ...

Butter, water and sugar to boil up the flour is stirred in, and quickly. dough bake together and cool off a little before the entire egg is stirred in one at a time. The dough should be stirred well for each egg. Lightly grease a baking sheet, and, to that end