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Recipes with Wheat flour

Sides Pepper Grated lemon rind and juice to taste Salt ...

Courgetterne split and deseed dug out with a spoon. Then be divided courgetterne into 2 equal pieces. Boil them in salted water for 2 minutes. Onto of and put into a baking dish on the curved side. Brush the mushrooms clean. Share the mushrooms if they are

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the potatoes and eggplants for about ½ cm thin slices. Fry the aubergines in oil and put them on the fat-sucking paper. Fry the potatoes in oil, place them in the bottom of a greased casserole dish, put the aubergines on top. Saute the chopped onions

Cakes in form Vaniliesukker Eggs Egg white ...

Bottom: Egg yolk whisked together with sugar and syrup. Marcipanen rives coarsely and added with æblemosen. Wheat flour and baking soda added. Eventually reversed the stiftpiskede egg whites in. Bottom bake in a greased springform in approx. 20 minutes at 200

Desserts (cold) Baking soda Sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and vanilla sugar in a bowl. Melt the butter and mix it in melblandingen to a solid lump. Grease a pie dish and divide the batter evenly. Behind the bottom at 225 degrees to the bottom is golden brown. Set bottom on ice until it

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Milk lunes, yeast, sugar, eggs and salt stirred out herein. Butter is made manageable in micro oven and mix in the flour. They all kneaded together to batter is smooth and supple. Raises about 1 hour. The dough is kneaded easily through. deploying to buns o

Bread, buns & biscuits Together the beaten egg Sesame seeds Wheat flour ...

5-kornsblanding and water boil for a few minutes, then stir butter-milk in. When the mixture is cooled to hand warm, dissolve the yeast in it. The other ingredients are added, then sifted wheat flour in a little at a time and the dough is kneaded until it i

Cookies Fine salt Rod or 3 teaspoons vanilla. vanilla sugar Eggs ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. Stir in brown sugar, sugar and softened butter together in a bowl. Crack vanillestangen and scratch grains out with the tip of a small knife. Pipe vanillekornene in butter mixture. Beat the egg out and stir it in. mix flour,

Cakes in form Milk Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Melt the butter. Got flour and sugar in a bowl and stir. Add the butter. Then put baking soda, vanilla sugar in milk and cocoa in so come the bowl. Click now tobleronet into small pieces and got it in the bowl. Stir it all together. So you put the batter in th