Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Vanilla sugar

Cakes in form Butter Cane sugar Vanilla sugar ...

Butter a round spring shape and sprinkle the mold with cane sugar and coconut. Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Add butter and stir it to a crumbled mass. Add egg and yogurt and knead together to a dough. Pour the dough into the mold. Peel and peel the appl

Cakes in form Milk Vanilla sugar Desiccated coconut ...

Whip egg and sugar light and airy. Mix flour, baking soda and vanilla sugar together. Turn it gently in the dough sprinkled through a sieve. Warm milk and butter (little finger) and gently turn it into the dough. Pour the dough into a small greased mashed fryi

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Vanilla sugar ...

Give the butter 30 seconds. In the microwave so it becomes soft. Stir butter and sugar softly, then stir in dough and egg. Mix flour and oatmeal with vanilla, baking soda and coarse chopped chocolate and nuts. Stir it in the dough. Put the dough with spoon or

Cakes in form Baking soda Eggs Becel margerine ...

Whip first margerine and sugar together. Then mix the syrup, vanilla, cinnamon and baking soda in. Stir well. Add brown dumplings and eggs. Then stir very well. Mix flour and milk alternately and whip in the meantime. Stir until it is liquid. Behind it in

Cakes in form Dark chocolate 44% Baking soda Cinnamon, ground ...

Softened margarine and sugar are well-stirred to make it light and airy. The eggs are stirred for one at a time. Whip well between each egg. Wheat flour, baking soda, soda, vanilla sugar and cinnamon are mixed together in a bowl and sifted into the pulp. St

Cakes in form Baking soda Cardamom Sugar ...

First touch sugar and margerine together. Then add eggs, vanilla, cardamom and baking soda. Stir well. Add milk and then flour. Stir until it's flies. Pour it up in a suitable form. And put it in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 20 min. tips: Can eat wi

Desserts (cold) Egg liqueur Blackberries or black currant jam Baking soda ...

Butter, sugar, vanilla sugar and salt are whipped foamy. The eggs are split and the egg yolks are whipped in the dough. The chocolate is torn and the hazelnuts blend as fine as possible. Both pieces are piped in the dough together with rum or sherry and bak

Porridge & gruel Water Potato flour Vanilla sugar ...

The apricots are softened overnight. Water and apricots are poured into a pan, add water and bring to boil, sugar is thawed and brought to boil again. Taken from the heat. The potato flour is stirred with a little water and added with stirring, taste wit