Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Lunch Oregano Grated cheese Ham strips ...

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water, add 3/4 of flour, and salt and stir well. Add the other ingredients and the last flour. Divide the dough into 3 lumps, rolled out into a square, lubricate with tomato sauce, sprinkle oregano over. Mix the jar with chopped oni

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped fresh tarragon ...

Steaks: Turn the steaks into flour and put them on the forehead of the fat for 3-4 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper. Pepper sauce: Put onion and bacon in a pan in the butter. Add flour and peppers and stir into the fat. Put tomato paste, wa

Mains Marizenamel Parsley Onion ...

Brown the cardels or cut them into strips and brown pieces and take them out of the pan. Bacon and onions cut into the tern and brune in the same pot, let it spin for a couple of minutes. Add the pepper / tomato paste and water and let it boil slowly for a cou

Mains 1 finely chopped red chilli Basil Oregano ...

Shake the bacon pieces on a pan (they get crisp if the heat is moderate) Picked up on greasy paper / paper roll. Shake the mushrooms in the fat from the bacon, together with onion and garlic. When the bulbs are ready, the meat is added and it is fry until

Mains Fat for frying Annanas in cubes Curry ...

Bacon switched, add chopped onions. Karry is splashing over and switching with. Add flour and tomato puree, add the pineapple juice, boil softly for 10 minutes. Season with salt and pineapple and chopsticks added. Stir in oven approx. 40 min at 200C. tips:

Mains Cayenne pepper Herbes de provence Curry ...

Onions, mushrooms and pepperoni are cut into cubes and placed in a dish with lid. Crumble the brothel and cook it. Garlic added as whole fat. All other ingredients are added and mixed well. Put the chicken in the dish and part of the filling is stuffed into th

Various Cherry tomatoes Crowing bacon Boiled potatoes ...

Boil the potatoes and cut them into slices. Cut the mozzarella cheese into slices and flatten them with the knife. Cut your cherry tomatoes in the middle and put the bacon on a pan. Roll out the dough (possibly for two pizzas) and butter the tomato paste. D

Mains Cheese Pepper Salt ...

Pasta boils. Chop the onions well and small. Put them in a pan with the oil and put everything else in the pan except the pasta, the cheese and the water let it stand a little and pour the water in. When the pasta is cooked, mix it with the meat and put it