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Recipes with Suit

Mains All-round spice Basmati rice Garlic ...

Turkey Breast cut into strips. Mix the spices in a bowl (you can use all the spices you want depending on how strong you want the right) the meat is mixed with spices and must stand and pull in about 1 hour. Sauté the meat in margarine so it will be slightly b

Mains Cocktail sausages Suit Pepper ...

Mushroom & cocktail sausage placed in a heat-proof platter. Fadkoteletterne Brown. Koteletterne added on top of the mushrooms cocktail sausages pour a little salt on. Then added the bacon strips on koteletterne On Pan pour the cream colour & salt in to

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Brown the beef in a pan, slice the sausages and onion into slices/cubes and fry them in a frying pan when they are svitset and meat is browned to get a little colour in the flesh and taste with salt and pepper, then mix to meat and sausages together in the pan

Mains Cream Wheat flour Suit ...

Femur boning of the Turkey Club. Fill: Grate bacon light brown in a pan Add all the vegetables and let it småstege approx. 2 min. Mix cream fraichen in vegetables and take the Pan from the heat. Season Turkey with salt and pepper to taste into a Club-and

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Chicken meat cut into cubes and FRY in margarine. Salt and pepper are added. Boiling water added with soy sauce and a little colour. (Season to taste along the way and add more salt, pepper and soy sauce, if desired). Some gruel is ca. 30 min. Tips: Acc

Mains Fat for frying Fresh or dried thyme Suit ...

Knead the meat with fintsnittet celery, crushed juniper berries and danablu and form four large patties. Sprinkle the steaks with pepper and brown them on both sides of the fat in a frying pan. Turn down the heat and let them roast ready, as they now desired.

Mains Suit Red currant jelly Salt ...

Brown the meat in the fat with bacon or lard dice. Sauté the onions with eventually. Pour 1 dl water. Pressure 15-20 minutes-cool quickly or slowly. Add the piskefløden and cook the sauce thoroughly. Season with salt and, if desired. red currant jelly and Colo

Mains Jævning Suit Pepper ...

The meat from the legs and then cut into smaller pieces and Brown in butter with your legs, the lies carved in both, it smoked pork into cubes, carrots, sliced, salt, pepper and juniper berries, it's all Brown and FRY well. Broth and white wine, add the pee