Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Squash

Salads Pepper Salt Onion ...

Oil, balsamic vinegar mixed with salt, pepper, garlic. Carrots, squash, peppers, mushrooms, onion, cauliflower and broccoli cut into suitable pieces and turn into the oil. Must stand overnight. tips: Super with a good steak and a nice way to get some

Mains A little oil for frying Pepper Rice and naanbrød ...

Cut the inner fillets into smaller pieces and brown them in a little oil together with curry. Half length squash and cut into thin slices. Shake the squash slices for a short while and coconut milk. Season with ginger and let the dish boil for approx. 5 min

Mains Pepper Salt Becel liquid original ...

mashed potatoes: Peel potatoes, carrots and rosemary and cut into smaller pieces. Boil them tenderly in a pot of water without salt for approx. 25-30 min. Pour the water from the root crops and whip them to mash with whipped or electric whip. Season with s

Various EVS. garlic Pepper Salt ...

Put the chicken meat in a refractory dish. Mix coke and ketchup together with tabasco, ginger, salt and pepper for a thin sauce and pour it over the chicken. Cut squash, onions and peppers into small terns and put them in a fireproof dish. Pour the broth

Mains Dill Sea salt Black pepper ...

Pick the spinach and rinse it thoroughly. Put the spinach in a pan and steam it in the water that hangs until it has fallen completely. Season with salt and pepper and let the spinach drip into a sieve. Let the biscuit dishes thaw on the kitchen table until

Mains Olive oil Salt Eggplant ...

Cut the chopsticks and brown them in a pot of olive oil. Add the chopped chicken meat or finely chopped chicken pieces. When the chicken meat is cooked together with the onions, add the 2 cans of chopped tomatoes and turn it down to half heat. Then add eggpl

Mains 1 ds. Salsa Creme fraise Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Finch onion, pepper, squash, tomato and chili. Put onion and beef in a pan or wok. When the beef is fried, mix the burritos spice mix in and afterwards the other vegetables. After 2 min. Mix corn, beans and cumin with the me

Mains Garlic (to taste) Curry powder (to taste) Rice ...

- Prawns are thawed and pilled - Garlic peeled and chopped - Pupils are prepared - Prawns, garlic, leeks and curry are cooked in wok until the prawns have a little color. - The rice is added - Then add pepper, baby corn and squash - Leave the dish and sm