Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Small shallots

Soups Prepared yoghourt Grated lime Dill ...

Pour 2 ½ dl. yogurt in a coffee filter and let it drip for a few hours. Halve the melons and remove the cores. Ridding meat of shell and cut it into smaller pieces. Pour it into a food processor along with elderflower juice and dill. Blend to a suitable con

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Toothpicks ...

Cut liver into bite-sized pieces, season them with pepper and sherry and let them pull approx. ½ hour Arrow and squeeze the garlic. Stir them in mayonnaisen along with the soured cream and season with salt and pepper. Blanch the onions a few minutes skal

Mains White pepper in grinder Salt Radish or mustard sprouts ...

The potatoes, place in a saucepan, brush and add just as much water by the potatoes are covered, boil for about 20 minutes until they are tender. The water is poured off, and the potatoes steams of and kept the heat on raclette-Grill. Membranes and tendons

Mains Pepper Salt Finely chopped ginger ...

Pat the meat dry in paper towel. Brown oil and butter in a large saucepan and Brown the meat, stir every now and then. Sprinkle flour on, and let it is absorbed by the fat. Shake the Pan and stir rounded. Add the red wine, water, tomato puree, Orange, lemon, s

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Tarragon ...

Cut the clutter and top of Darin buds. Came the onions in a bowl with boiling water. Let them stand for a moment, the soft shell of arrow. Cut the Turkey Breast into cubes. Soak the dried forest mushrooms as directed on package. Melt the butter in a heavy S