Recipes with Salt
Set the chickpeas to soak overnight. Boil the chickpeas ca. 20 minutes. Blend chickpeas well. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, it is easily done with a mixer. "Forcemeat" must not be completely real, but somewhat steady. Heat a frying pan up, type "hafferlaf
Start by cooking the rice. Chicken breasts cut into thin slices, sautéed with leeks, garlic and carrots. Add the broth, mustard, sherry and coconut milk and give it all a rehash. Turn down the heat and simmer about 15 minutes, add the peas and season with salt
Cloud sifted up in a pan.
Sprinkle a thin layer of flour over the cloud and let it sink down before pouring in the. Whip the sauce thoroughly and add salt, pepper and colour according to taste.
drain the 2 cans of tuna and put the flesh in a bowl. use a fork to share it with.
Add cremfraiche to it has a soft and creamy texture. then add the Arctic ROE. Lemon and salt and pepper are added according to taste. Bon appétit
lubricated on a pi
Scrub the potatoes well, share them in two, and put them in a heat-proof platter, with the flat side facing you, butter them with a little oil and season with salt and pepper, put a løgring on each potato and put a top of grated cheese in løgringen. roast them
Mix stuffing, grate the evt to sample on a grater, then the forcemeat more compact. Put half of forcemeat in a greased dish, put the cheese in an even layer and got the rest of forcemeat on. Set the dish in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30-45 minutes.
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
- Breakfast & brunch 427
- Porridge & gruel 144
- Bread, buns & biscuits 1758
- Cold cuts 395
- Lunch 1051
- Lunch (to go) 146
- Sandwiches 50
- Mains 11918
- Salads 1562
- Dressing 302
- Sauces 617
- Sides 1951
- Soups 1352
- Drinks (cold) 1888
- Drinks (warm) 227
- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
- Cookies 917
- Cakes 1445
- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
- Snacks 73
- Midnight snacks 40
- Base recipes 234
- Buffets 95
- Candy 522
- Fruits 19
- Lamb 14
- Pickling 733
- Receptions 34
- Seasonal 3
- Sushi 6
- Various 328