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Recipes with Rice

Mains (if desired, 1 tablespoon sugar and a little cream) Pepper Rice ...

Stir a solid father of minced beef, rasp, mashed potatoes, spices, eggs and milk. Roll / swallow a good spicy dad in a slice of bacon and do it with the rest of the dad. The rollers may be Kept with cotton yarn. The bacondolms are browned in margarine and

Mains Soy sauce Great chicken Butter or margarine for Browning ...

The chicken is boiled and the meat is peeled into small pieces. Brown curry in the fat and brown chicken and pears. Make scramble eggs of the eggs. Rice and scramble eggs are put into the pan and add soup and plenty of soy. Served with flutes.

Mains Builion Rice Pineapple juice ...

The chicken chicken in the wok (saute pan can also be used) until it is cooked together with olive oil and curry. Lay aside on a plate and pour the rest of the fat into a pan together with 1/2 liter of hot water and chicken builion. Get all the vegetables in

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

Turn the oven on at 175 degrees Around the diced turkey fillet, your bacon rolls. NB: It is important that the bacon is properly secured, as it should be firmly seated. After that you light a frying pan to blush and lighten your fillet until the bacon

Mains Salt Onion Cocktail sausages ...

You take either a refractory dish or a deep frying pan and the limestone art is in the middle of the dish / frying pan. Then you coat the turkey breast with bacon so the ladder is completely covered. The coctail sausages are laid around the chest at the bo

Mains Water Hønseboiliontern Sausages (cut into slices) ...

Put the water in the boil, with the chicken dish, fill the rest and stir slightly and boil for 12 minutes. Stir and stand 12 minutes. Ready for serving. Served with tomato ketchup or tomato sauce. tips: Tomatsovs may be made by chopping 1 liter of tomato j

Mains Milk Corn flour Rice ...

Pour the desired amount of oil into a large pot. Brown onion, and the hammer good. Then pour the pressed rest on it and let it stand still for a little 1-2 minutes. Then pour the water in, along with the carrots cut into rings or terns. Leave to simmer for 45

Mains Garlic Paprika Pepper ...

Open the pack of smoked medists and remove the skin from it. Place it in an ovenproof dish and butter the mustard on it. Put a bowl and mix chopped onions, chopped tomatoes and spices. Pour tomato mixture into the dish with the medist and put it in the oven at