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Recipes with Pesto

Bread, buns & biscuits Ciabataboller Finely chopped iceberg Finely chopped tomato ...

Grease the balls with pesto, cheese is laid on and finally the ham. Bake in oven at 200 degrees until the cheese is melted. Salad and tomato are placed on and served immediately.

Buffets Ayva Brokkoli Feta ...

Cook, cut, mix

Lunch Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Cut the tomatoes into slices and place them on a baking sheet with wax paper. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake them in the oven at 225 degrees for 10 minutes. cut the crust of the bread and cut it to fit into a kokotte or an ovenproof Bowl. Butter dishes

Sides Pesto Grated cheese Oil ...

Mushrooms, cleaned. Saute the halved mushrooms FRY in hot oil until they are golden. Pestoen be turned around in the mushrooms, and then poured in a baking dish. Sprinkle the grated cheese over and then cakes in the oven at 200 gr. The cheese should be mel

Appetizers Toasted ciabatta bread Red onion Lime or lemon juice ...

Olive oil, pesto and lime-/citronsaft mix. Red Onion chopped finely and added with parsley and garlic. Tomatoes and avocado cut into small cubes. It all bælandes with shrimp and pulling in about 30 min. in the refrigerator. served on toasted bread. Tips:

Mains Red onion Olive oil Mushrooms ...

Cut the flesh into cubes of approximately 2.5 + 2.5 com. Stir in pesto with olienolie oq flip the meat in it. Set the meat on skewers alternately with both of rødløq oq whole cleaned champiqnoner. Brush the spikes with a little oil oq steq them under qrille

Salads Cherry tomatoes in half Feta, diced Pesto ...

rose slightly the fresh asparagus in a pan serve the fresh salad on a plate Cook the pasta and cool the stir the pasta with pesto and place a portion on the salad. Then put the asparagus, feta, red bell peppers and tomatoes. Finally one salad with salmon

Lunch Miraclewip/salatmayonaise Pesto Grated red cheddar cheese ...

Fry the chicken and bacon, slice the chicken into slices. warm the bread in the oven and cut it up the middle. butter miraclewip/salatmayonaise on the bread and sprinkle with curry powder. place chicken and bacon on bread and pour pesto over. then cheddar