Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Lemon juice Freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Arrow went and chop it fine. Remove the kernels from the pepper, wash it, dip it dry and cut it into small tern. Put both pieces in a 1 tbsp. Warm oil until they are tender. Heat the oven up to 200C. Squeeze the sausage frog out of the skin and mix it wi

Soups Pepper Salt Pale celery ...

The lenses are covered in the evening with plenty of water. Next day pour the water off and the lenses rinse well. Pancetta and carrot cut into fine tern. Celery in fine thin slices. The lid is peeled and cut into fine tern. Garlic peeled and squeezed. Sauté p

Soups Freshly ground pepper Sea salt White wine vinegar ...

Soak the beans 12 hours in plenty of water. Remove the hard stems from the cabbage and cut the leaves perfectly. If you use sprouts, remove the outer of the stick before cutting the small cabbage heads into smaller pieces. Peel the carrots. Chop carrots, celer

Soups Pineapple banana Coconut in flakes and toasted Pepper ...

Season the onions in margarine until they are clear (not brown) and quench the curry with in a few min. Add broth, garlic, cream, chili, tomatoes and salt and pepper. Boil and simmer while adding shrimp and fruit. Heat it all through and serve hot and hot. Spr

Soups Carrot Leeks Saffron ...

The herbs are cleansed, rinsed and cut into small cubes. They are sautéed in the oil until they are tender. Add the prawns and simmer them until they are completely red. Add the white wine and let it boil a little. Add the fish soup, tomato paste and pepper

Soups Whipped cream Peaches + moisture Peeled tomatoes ...

Garlic, onion and curry are switched into the oil. Other ingredients are added and heated through. Ready to serve immediately after can also be served after a couple of hours. The soup is served with flutes.

Mains 4 pieces of heavy-duty foil FAT to Browning Pepper ...

Form the meat for 4 steaks. Brush them shortly in grease on a forehead. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut onions in thin rings, pepper in small pieces and mushrooms in slices. Season onions, peppers and mushrooms on a pan quite short in fat. Distribute

Mains Apples Pepper Whipped cream ...

Turn on the oven at 100-125 degrees C. alm. oven. Preparation for another takes approx. 1½ hours, but let another be done approx. 1 hour before eating, so that it can rest for half an hour, cut and again put in the oven for half an hour while accessories are b