Recipes with Olive oil
Put the dried chilies in a bowl, cover it with fiery hot water and let it pull in 20 minutes. Let it drain away.
Put peberfrugten on frying the grate over direct medium heat. Peberfrugten, for the grill looks burned out on all sides, in 12-15 minutes, and t
The Turkey is washed and cleaned both inside and outside and wipe clean with plenty of kitchen roll. The rubbed the insides with salt and pepper before it is filled with orange-and løgbådene, fresh thyme and bladselleri pieces. Close the Turkey with a kødnål,
Chop the sun-dried tomatoes and mix them in a bowl with olive oil and crushed garlic. Remove any film on the Turkey Breast. Spray injection marinaden into the Turkey Breast, so that it is evenly distributed (let the needle page a few moments before dragging it
Lay the boned leg of Lamb on a clean surface and remove superfluous fat. Hold the knife, so the leaf lies flat to the flesh and slice horizontally into the thickest part of the meat. Bend kødfigen outwards. Repeat this 2 or 3 spots where the meat is relatively
The previous day cast garlic and salt together in a mortar, add olive oil and shock forward, so it becomes an almost smooth pure. Pureen pour over into a bowl. Stir in parsley, oregano, Rosemary, thyme, Bay leaves, pepper and paprika in, so pureen becomes thic
Garlic, shallots, crushed coriander, cumin, allspice, oregano, 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, olive oil, pure, and salt and pepper in a blender or small food processor and blend to a thick puree. Pureen scratch out in a large bowl.
Plaster lamb meat and cut it int
Willow garlic individual cloves and pressure them. stir them together with basil leaves, parsley and parmesan. Add the oil a little at a time, to the mass is creamy. Season with cayenne and salt.
Rinse the mussels. Kassêr copies that do not close tightly. A
Saute onions, carrots and celery in the warm oil ca. 8 minutes. Add the chili, caraway, coriander and garlic and cook for a few minutes. Pour the wine, boil it all 5-6 minutes, season with lemon juice, salt and pepper from the grinder, before it is served in s
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
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- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
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- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
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- Various 328