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Recipes with Leeks

Mains Chili Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Curry, coriander, garlic and chilli are sliced ​​in a little butter in a sauté pan. The lid is chopped well and switched with. The pears are cut into thin slices and also placed in the forehead. When the pears have just been soaked, add the frozen spinach, coc

Mains Jævning Duck breast Bamboo shoots ...

Peel the skid side of the duck breast and rub it with salt and pepper. Put it in the oven at 210 degrees for 25 minutes. Meanwhile, the porridge and the slice must be cut into slices, the garlic torn on the fine side of a grater (or a garlic presser, but I

Soups Fresh basil and oregano Pepper Salt ...

Chop onions, chives and garlic and sauté them with low heat in the olive oil until the vegetables become soft. Tear the carrots and potatoes in. Continue for 5 minutes. Add the bouillon, tomato sauce and tomatoes that have been cut into small pieces and possib

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped fresh tarragon ...

Steaks: Turn the steaks into flour and put them on the forehead of the fat for 3-4 minutes on each side. Season with salt and pepper. Pepper sauce: Put onion and bacon in a pan in the butter. Add flour and peppers and stir into the fat. Put tomato paste, wa

Mains 8 slices of bacon Pepper Salt ...

The pores are cleansed. Remove most of the green. Cut the pears in about 2 cm wide pieces and cook them barely for about 5 minutes. Pour them into draining. Pour the water over the grater and let it draw for about 10 minutes. Stir it with chopped meat, grat

Soups Freshly ground pepper Salt Oil ...

The pores are cleansed and cut into small slices. The carrots are peeled and rubbed roughly on the grater. Both pieces are spun in the oil in a pan, after which the meat is added and turned around into the pan until it is browned and separated. Broth, tomat

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Clean and dry the salmon remove skins and legs. Arrow and heel loosened. Peel the carrots and cut them into cubes. Rinse the pores and cut them in the rings. Sweat licked in the butter. Spread half of the vegetables at the bottom of a refractory dish. Lay t

Soups Wholemeal bread/flüte Pepper Grated cheese (eg. chedder and mozzarella) ...

Chopped meat is baked in a saucepan. Vegetables are divided into small pieces. Water and spices are added and boil approx. 30 min. Served with grated cheese and bread