Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Cottage cheese

Mains Salt Tomato ketchup Sour cream ...

Peel græskaren and cut it into slices and place in a greased casserole dish. Cut the leek into strips and let it simmer in the butter for a few minutes. Place it on top of the grass coach. Whip cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese and salt together. Pour sauce o

Mains Pepper Salt Marjoram, dried ...

Dough: Knead all the ingredients for the pie dough together, use if necessary. a food processor, so it goes easily, and then put the dough in a cool 1/2 hour. Roll the dough out and line a pie dish, approx. 24 cm in diameter, with the dough and the cool style

Sides Pepper Salt Freshly chopped parsley and Basil ...

Squashen rives, curing and draws at least ½ hour, then the aftrykkes of wetness. Stir in eggs, flour, herbs, salt and possibly. a little cottage cheese. Golden FRY in a little olive oil.

Sides Pale celery (approx. 300 g) Small Apple Danablue or sagaost ...

Pale celery washed and stalks separated. Danabluen moses with a fork and cottage cheese and a little grated Apple added. Approx. 25 g Pecans chopped and stirred in the curd, along with lemon juice. Curd in cavity of pale celery stalks and the remaining Pecans

Mains Barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and boil them and then let them cool off. Mix tuna egg chilli cottage cheese salt and pepper to taste in a bowl and stir it together. Cut the potatoes into pieces and put them in a serving dish so that the bottom is covered. Put the mixtur

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Start by chopping the onion and garlic finely and cut mushrooms into quarters pieces. heat a frying pan up with fat. Fry the onions a few minutes until they have taken the color. Add the mushrooms and cook a few minutes more. It came in a bowl and refrigerate,

Desserts (warm) Serve preferably with vanilla ice cream Butter or margarine to form Sugar to taste ...

Rinse and peel the apples and cut them in both. Place them in a greased oven-proof form. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and cardamom or cinnamon. Beat the eggs lightly and mix them with the cream. Stir the mixture in hytteosten and agge pour batter over the app

Lunch (to go) Pepper Salt Grahams ...

Vegetables of your choice URf.eks. broccoli, mushroom, tomato, pores or onions. Steam or sauté the vegetables so that they lose a little water. This makes the tart less gooey. Coarser vegetables such as carrots may be pre-cooked. Beat the dough together and