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Recipes with Banana

Desserts (warm) Vanilla sugar Banana Crème fraiche 38% ...

Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a water bath in a pan. Warm the cream gently beside, and stir it in chocolate, little by little. Chocolate mass should be warm, but do not reach the boiling point. Tube cognac in the aftertaste to the very

Drinks (cold) Banana Black currant Red currant ...

Remove the thickest stalks from currants, squeeze the juice of the. Purér banana, mix it gently in the juice.

Desserts (cold) Desiccated coconut Whipped cream Sugar ...

The cream whipped stiff and the other things mixed in. Hug makronerne easy and put them in the bottom of a glass bowl or serving glasses. Drip makronerne with juice. Cut the bananas into slices and favor them over the makronerne. Pour the custard over the bana

Mains Mango chutney, sweet Mango chutney, strong Pepper ...

The loin is cleaned and cut into small steaks flat with a knock, as these events. The pieces paneres in egg and breadcrumbs and place in refrigerator. Coconut flour roasted in a dry pan, it is weak to light brown (remember not for high heat, and stir in it

Drinks (cold) Maple syrup Orange juice, freshly squeezed Plain yogurt ...

Run all ingredients through the Blender, for it has a texture like a milkshake. Serve immediately with straws and a pineapple like triangle on the edge. Other fruits can be used, it applies only to find the combination you like best. You just need to

Desserts (cold) Apple Banana Lemon ...

Sugar brine: water vanilla sugar boil. and blending it with citonsaft, orange juice and banana. allow to cool. Fruit: fruit cut into pssende pieces and pour over with bed sheet when it is cold. Yogurt ice cream: mix all ingredients together and freeze. y

Drinks (cold) Geleen from 1 young green coconut The water from 1 young green coconut (thai or Chinese shops .evt. Banana ...

Blend. If the coconut jelly have reached a lesser being something like kokos'kød ', so do it in this recipe

Drinks (cold) Vanilla grains from 2 cm vanilla rod Banana Medjool dates or 4 alm. small dates ...

Blend in water and si paranødderne. Use the fibres in another recipe, for example. burgers, and pour the milk back into the blender. Blend all ingredients in paranøddemælken. Tips: Variation: Shaken will be thicker, if banana replaced with sliced, frozen b