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Recipes with Baking potatoes

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

The butter is stirred together with the finely chopped parsley, lemon pepper and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Can possibly. rolled together in wax paper and cut into slices when it has been in the fridge for half an hour. The potatoes scrubbed well and

Sides Pepper Salt Butter ...

The 8 potatoes cooked with skin on until almost tender. Bacon fried in the pan. The potatoes's out so we almost have only Peal back, it puts you on a baking sheet. So to get it of the potatoes in a bowl and get the rest of the things in it to taste with the

Mains Lemon peel Salt Thyme ...

Lamb Club must lie in the marinade for 2 hours, then cooked in the oven at 180 ° in 11/4 hour and then rest for 15 min. The fennel lengthways into cut into small cubes and sauté in butter. The potatoes peeled and cut into thin slices. Come on alternately fe

Mains Freshly ground pepper Garlic oil Olive oil ...

Buy a Danish leg of Lamb with the butcher and ask him to cut the leg from the hip, but let the shank sit on. Cut the shank of (you can also ask the butcher about it), and got it in a pan and cover it with cold water. When it has been given a rehash, skimmed it

Mains Parsley Alm. beer Red wine sauce ...

The beer is reduced over low heat. Root vegetables are washed and peeled off. The potatoes cut into thin tændstikagtige strips, seasoned and fried on a frying pan as small pancakes. When the potatoes are linked and are golden on both sides, bake in the oven at

Mains Olive oil Balsamic vinegar Brown sugar ...

The meat is cut free from tendons and is split into 4 small steaks. Brown hard on grill pan, so they get grill pattern. The potatoes set out in small round plates as blanched, IE. dipped in the boiling water and place in ice water. Then the next steak on

Mains Sea salt Oil Pepper ...

Cut the tenderloin into steaks on each ca. 200 g. wash the potatoes thoroughly. The bottom chop of aspargesne and rinsed with heads down. Make two small scratches in each potato and came 1 leaf Sage in each outline. Bake the potatoes in the middle of oven a

Mains Balsamic vinegar Sea salt White pepper ...

200 grams tenderloin cut into pieces. Filling: saute the onion, garlic, østerhatte, salt and pepper in a saucepan. Add the red wine, balsamic vinegar and thyme. Boil down to almost all the liquid is gone. Then blend to puree. When mushroom puree is cold