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Recipes with Artichokes

Mains A bit of wheat flour to sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fill a pot halfway with water and add a lemon, cut in half, 1 bay leaf, vinegar and a little salt. Cut the stems of the artichokes. Starting from the base of the Artichoke and cut with a vegetable knife all the leaves away and then remove the artichoke bear

Mains A little chopped Basil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is cut into thin slices and is layered in a little of the marinade, using lime blended with olive oil, basil, garlic, salt and pepper. Artichoke salad: artichokes freed from the stick and cooked tender in abundant salted water with lemon-approx. 45

Salads Friséesalat Pepper Salt ...

Twisting stems of the artichokes. It is important that the twisting stems of the artichokes. Then follows the most serious characters with. The leaves should not be used in this law and may not be saved to the next day. Then boil them in salted water 35-45 min

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Olive oil Grated nutmeg ...

Trim the artichokes and remove the ' Hay ' inside with a spoon. Boil them in plenty of salt water with lemon and a bit of corn flour or potato flour district in a dozen minutes. Drain them and turn the cold water over. Let them drain in the bottom of the weath

Mains A bit of wheat flour to sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fill a pot halfway with water and add a lemon, cut in half, 1 bay leaf, vinegar and a little salt. Cut the stems of the artichokes. Starting from the base of the Artichoke and cut with a vegetable knife all the leaves away and then remove the artichoke bear