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Mains recipes

Mains Cucumbers Bacon Grated cheese ...

Low a number of patties of chopping the meat. Put some grated cheese on bi-steak, and put another steak on top. Put a piece of bacon around, and fry it in the pan until you are sure that the steak is done completely through. Make a dish salad with cucumbers an

Mains Red currant jelly Pepper Eggs ...

Pour broth and cream together in a liter of goals. Knead the meat with spices, eggs, bread crumbs and 2 dl of broth mixture. Form forcemeat for an oblong lump and put it in a suitable greased ovenproof dish. Tires forcemeat with bacon slices, they must lik

Mains Pepper Salt Turkey approximately 4 ½ kg ...

Thaw the Turkey gently up, ca. 2 days in the refrigerator. Cut the neck and wing tips of, throw them out. Cut apples in both and celery into small pieces. Dry the Turkey well, rub the inside and outside with salt and pepper, and fill the Apple/celery mixture i

Mains Wheat flour Water Fresh barbeque chicken from the net usually ca. 1400gr ...

This chick is some of the best you can find in the Net. It is finished and delivered in stege krydderet bag. The chicken is taken out of the outer embalage and placed in a heat-proof platter that only just large enough to hold the chicken. Dot generously with

Mains Pepper Salt Mushrooms, sliced ...

Pour the flour krydderet with paprika, salt and pepper in a bowl. Turn the pieces of meat in the flour so that they are evenly breaded. The onions FRY glass clear in the fat in a medium saucepan. Brown the breaded kødterneinger into the Pan, make sure they

Mains Allround spice Paprika Pepper ...

Whole mushrooms, half the tomatoes (cut crosswise) and onion, cut into both, be marinated in a mixture of oil with added allround kryderi. CA. 30 min. Pour it all in a freezing bag and close. Alternatively use ready-mixed all-around marinade. Koteletterne reve

Mains Bacon, sliced Steak of beef tenderloin, sirloin, or similar Mushroom on glass ...

Cut the bacon into small fine cubes and grate them on the forehead, place them on paper towels to cool. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Take the steak and cut a small "Pocket" in it, put a teaspoon of piquant cheese, mushroom and bacon advantage over it.

Mains Pepper Whipped cream Salt ...

Rinse the fillets in running water. Butter/put fiskefarsen on, and roll the fish together. Start by rolling the fish from tail. Team possibly. fish rollers together with toothpicks. Set of rollers close together in a frying pan, sprinkle with the butter roa