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Mains recipes

Mains Grated nutmeg Salt Thyme ...

Cut squash into long strips to remind them of pasta. Cut or cut the bacon into smaller pieces and raise them. Mix milk and flour and cook in a pan. Add the nutmeg and thyme. Add cheese. Season with salt. Pour the sauce over the squash and bacon into a bo

Mains Pepper Salt Rødpeber cut into strips ...

Season the onions and garlic until they are ready to remove the pan from the pan Now cook the meat for about 2 minutes and add the lies again Now add curry and peppers and broth and let it swim a little for about 1 min And add chopped tomatoes and red peppe

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped onion ...

Cut bacon into small tern and brown in pot 2-3 min. Onions and garlic are added and blanched. Add the rest of the vegetables and mix the mixture. Pour white wine into the pan and simmer 5-10min. Then add tomato, fond, pure, laurel, sugar salt and pepper.

Mains Cayenne Pepper (optional) Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken fillets into mundane pieces. Arrow peeled off whitewashed. Cut the groove roughly. Clean the mushrooms in large slices. Peel and chop the carrots into slices. Cut the celeriac into the tern and cut the peel off. Peel one of the apples and cut i

Mains Salt Celery Vegetable broth ...

The rice is boiled for about 40 minutes until they are tender. The celery is peeled, cut into coarse tern and boil well tenderly. Celery moses Raspberry is soaked in broth and whipped cream. Rice, celery and rasp are stirred together. Hazelnuts, parsley,

Mains Cold water Oil Pepper ...

Flour, butter and salt are crumbled to look like sawdust. Quickly mix with a little cold water for a uniform dough. The dough must not be kneaded. The dough is rolled out thinly and stuck to the bottom that fits the muffin molds. FYLD: The potatoes are s

Mains Pepper Oregano Salt ...

Squash is ripped and sprinkled with salt. Draws 1 hour, rinses well and seams free of moisture. Mix with the other ingredients, but some of the cheese is stored. The mass is poured into a flat greased form. The rest of the cheese is sprinkled over. Bake a

Mains Cream Honey Garlic ...

The day before: The spirit is cleaned well inside and out, make sure to remove blood residues etc. Cut off the gump unless you like it. Remove the bag of indigo and save the contents to make sauce. Marinade: 6-8 dl. Water (Milk) mix with 50 grams of salt, 2-