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Cookies recipes

Cookies Fine salt Bicarbonate of soda Eggs ...

Take the butter out of the refrigerator well in advance so it is soft. Turn on the oven at 175 degrees C. alm. oven. Stir butter and sugar together in a bowl of hand mixer or spoon. Pour the dough and egg in and stir on. Come in, except the chocolate butto

Cookies Baking soda Chocolate 50% Eggs ...

Stir soft butter, sugar and sugar until it is airy. Whip the eggs in one at a time. Mix flour, baking soda and coarse chocolate together. Turn the dry ingredients into the dough. Turn on the oven to 175 degrees. Set approx. 1 tbsp. Dough per cake. There

Cookies Coconut or vermicelli Cocoa Biscuits. cake or pastry ...

Crush cookies with a baking roll or chop pastry or cook well. Cook nuts or raisins carefully and put it in the casserole. Stir jam, cocoa and cream into a uniform paste. Pour the dough into balls with a spoon and roll them into coconut or cream. Put them co

Cookies Bicarbonate of soda Ground ginger Sugar ...

1. Heat the oven up to 175 degrees 2. Stir the butter, sugar and syrup creamy. 3. Mix wheat flour, soda, vanilla sugar and ginger and turn it into the dough. 4. Divide the dough and roll it into two bars 5. Place the bars on a plate of baking paper and pre

Cookies Marzipan Egg whites (depending on size) Icing sugar ...

The marzipan is kneaded with egg white and flour, so it becomes a cohesive mass. Bake at 200-225 degrees in a typical oven 7-8 minutes. DO NOT use hot air. Place staniol UNDER baking paper, as it avoids the cakes becoming black at the bottom.

Cookies Salt Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Mel baking powder salt vanilla sugar and cocoa mix Whip butter sugar and dad add eggs 1 at a time Turn the flour mixture in and add nuts and chocolate. Form the cakes with a spoon and bake for about 10 minutes 175 * hot air

Cookies Icing sugar Baking soda Lemon grated must from here ...

Locate the hand mixer. Whip the butter and flour for a few minutes until the mixture is light and creamy. Sift flour and baking soda into and mix it a little. Mix the chopped almonds, almond flour, lemon peel and almond aroma in the dough. Cover the finish

Cookies Vinegar Sugar Egg white ...

Whip the whites completely stiff with 1 tbsp. Of the sugar. Add the rest of the sugar and the vinegar after a while. Whip it all the way. Then turn the coarsely chopped chocolate gently in. Put the marengs on a baking sheet lined with two-spoon baking paper