Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whiskey

Drinks (cold) Strong coffee Powder sugar Whiskey ...

Powdered sugar is dissolved in the hot coffee, then cool slightly. Then met the other two ingredients in, and everything is mixed well together. OBS: Whiskey shall not be complied with in a hot mix/fluid, since the alcohol will evaporate! Tips: A recipe I

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Icing sugar Splash yellow grand marnier ...

Ingredients shakes and your drink is served.

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Angostura bitters Lemon juice ...

Ingredients shakes and your drink is served.

Drinks (cold) Angostura Lemon juice Sweet vermouth ...

Whiskey, vermouth and angostura is mixed in a glass and eventually pinch a little lemon juice over.

Drinks (cold) Whipped cream Coffee Whiskey ...

In a tall glass pour whiskeyen of "pad" until it is covered. Then add the coffee and stir until "padden" is dissolved. Whipped cream on top.

Mains Spices (chili-salt-pepper-rose marin-according to taste) A little oil to the onions Lots of garlic (like new) ...

Cuvetten: prepare the roast, it is an advantage if it is not too bumpy, it makes it a little harder to roast it. RIDs the little crisscross, not too deep. butter well with salt and pepper and garlic that has been crushed. Set the roast on a rack with a roas

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Bailey Kaluha ...

Whiskey, Kaluha and Bailey is poured into a glass with ice and stir it all around

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Lemon juice Honey ...

Shake with ice and serve in a cocktail glass