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Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains Pasta (you may even judge it) Pepper Salt ...

Pasta: cook the pasta The meat oats: Step until they are ready put the meat until they are done put all the tomato paste in and stir. Add the water and taste with salt and pebbles

Mains Fresh pasta/rice A little butter for frying Pepper fruit ...

Cut the onion nicely and first raise for a couple of minutes. Then bring mushrooms and peppers. Turn things together and spend a minute peppers and basil, tomato sauce and then chicken food. Stir well and then pour in. Let it cook for 8-10 minutes, taste w

Mains Pepper Cheese Oregano ...

Dough: Put 1 pack of yeast into 3 dl of lukewarm water. 2 teaspoon salt. 5 sps oil. 9 dl flour were kneaded together. Raises for about 15 min. Fleshy: 2 chopped onion sweets in 2 tablespoons of oil. Add 500 g of beef to 3 dl tomato sauce and 1 teaspoon of

Appetizers Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes through, And when cooked, let them cool off the amount of time you spend and cut the bulbs into the tern and the sausages in fine slice the hot pot and put about 20g butter and then put the sausages in even stirring for about 6 to 8 minutes

Mains Becel for frying Marizena thickens Pabrika ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees. Chop onion and one fat garlic and put it in a pot of becel. Camping nuts are washed and cut into quarters and placed in the soil. The carrots are peeled and the peppers are washed with mini corn and chopped into small pieces

Mains Cottage cheese Pepper Salt ...

The beef is chopped brown in oil in a saucepan All vegetables are added Chopped tomatoes and puree are added. Let it simmer for a while. Put meat sauce and lasagna plates into layers in a refractory dish. Last team must be with cottage cheese. The lasa

Lunch Torn or slice of cheese Tomato puree Pieces of toast bread ...

Grease the tomato paste on the bread and put the following ingredients in. Shake it in a toast machine.

Mains After the taste needs paprika Lasange sheets, possibly pasta Pepper as needed ...

Pour the oil into a pan and burn the peppers. Put onion and let it simmer a little. Put the meat in and simmer until it turns light brown. Put the tomato puree in and turn it around. Then, the navy tomatoes, pour the can with water and pour it in. Pepper and t