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Recipes with Sun-dried tomatoes

Sides Sea salt Pepper from the grinder Juice from ca. 1/2 lemon ...

Peel parsley roots. Cut them lengthwise into sticks about 1 x 1 x 5 cm. Turn with lemon juice, lemon zest, olive oil, garlic and thyme. Season with sugar, salt and pepper. Com parsley roots in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven and bake them crisp-tender (35

Mains Flute for Pepper Salt ...

Garlic and sauté together meat, canned tomatoes are added and cooked up. Tomatoes, sour cream, and cream cheese, horseradish cream, cooking heats up. Olives and chopped tomatoes in and season with spices. Tips: Can be served with bacon pieces in and flute.

Salads Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Freshly squeezed lemon juice ...

Com grynene couscous in a large bowl. Pour the boiling water with salt and let it soak for approx. 5 min. stir in grynene with a fork. Let grynene cool off. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and let them soak about 5 min. drain and let the tomatoes drip

Salads Coarse pepper at will Half a small hvidkåls main Sun-dried tomatoes ...

Average white cabbage in neat, short strips. Cut the carrots in the district which then chop into about 1 cm. thick slices. Cut the peppers into strips and Sun-dried tomatoes into cubes. Cut the spring onions in coarse slices. Mix with oil/vinegar and spices.

Mains Potatoes or rice and grovflutes Pepper Broth ...

Put Turkey cuvetten with skin side down, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes coarsely and put them on the meat. Roll the meat along with the skin side facing outwards, and tie a string around it; Put the vegetables in a baking dish,

Salads Pepper Red or white wine vinegar Salt ...

Salad: mix all the ingredients together. Dressing: mix together the mayonnaise and vinegar with salt and pepper. Mix the dressing with the rest of the ingredients.

Lunch (to go) Salt Minced chives Semi-skimmed milk ...

Mix all the dry together in a bowl. Whisk eggs, milk and butter together in another bowl. Tubes so slowly the wet into the dry, so it doesn't lump and turn eventually filling in the dough. The filling is dry, can adjust the consistency with a little more milk.