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Recipes with Squash

Mains Onion Squash Vegetable oil ...

Arrow the onion and cut it over. Rinse squashen, crack the lengthwise and cut it into slices. Cut the half-onion into slices. Cut the peberfrugten and the mushrooms into strips. Peel banana and cut it into slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan or wok. Sauté the

Sides A little chili Olive oil Pepper ...

Crack squashén on layer and cut it out in as thin slices as possible (almost transparent) came the squash slices in a bowl and good olive oil in so all squash slices are smeared into. Add a little salt and pepper and, if desired. a little chili and let it stan

Mains Liquid magarine (becel) White vinseddike Oil ...

Enter first squas, tomatoes after rinsing. Slice and also the potatoes all skives in so thin as possible. Share the Aubergine in half wash and slice and Aubergine (pour a little white wine vinegar and a little salt), slice and red and green bell peppers. Cut t

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water and add salt, sugar and oil. Peel and grate the squashen down in the mix. Add the oatmeal and then flour a little at a time. Knead the dough well and allow to raise in a warm place for at least ½ hour. Form 16-20 buns and le

Mains Pepper Parsley Chives ...

Peel and grate the courgetten coarsely, sprinkle with salt and place it in a sieve for about ½ hour. Then the liquid from the cloud. Chop the onion very finely grate the gulerodden and mix it all together. Feta, flour and eggs mixed in. Then pureløg, chopp

Mains Chili powder as needed Pepper Grated cheese ...

Chopped onions and sauté garlic. Brown with the meat. Tomatoes, tomato puree, broth and spices are added and stir well. Let sauce stand and simmer. On top is heated to 200 degrees (hot air). Eggplant, squash, potatoes and peppers cut into coarse cubes and

Mains Becel liquid Chopped herbs URf.eks. parsley, chives thyme or similar Hot tomato salsa ...

Form the meat into 4 equal-sized flat patties. Potatoes: Boil the potatoes until tender and turn them into plant margarine Becel and chopped herbs. Set those EVS. on skewers, which you can partake of. Cut the squash in half slices, bell pepper into cubes

Cakes in form Milk Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. whip the eggs. Add the oil, they together beaten egg and the grated squash. Add a little milk after which the dry mixture is. Bake in middle of oven at 175 degrees C until the cake begins to detach from the form. T