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Recipes with Sherry tomatoes

Bread, buns & biscuits Maskapone Prosciutto el alia Rocket ...

Flour in a bowl, mix salt and soda with the flour, pour the oil and mix with an electric whip at the lowest speed pour so hot water for a little while still with electricity whipping when the dough starts to collect you go to knead With the hand the dough must

Appetizers White pepper Crushed thyme Sojasuce (possibly a few drops of tabasco) ...

Cut the fillets into squares. Mix marinade and place fish pieces in it. Let the fish tow cool at least 1 hour in the marinade. Blot the fish pieces. Clean the vegetables and Apple. Drag the fish, Apple and vegetables onto 4 brochettes. Brushed with oil b

Salads Freshly ground pepper Garlic Olive oil ...

Rinse the tomatoes and remove the stems. Cut the tomatoes into four pieces and sherry and pour them into a bowl. Cut the onions half over and share each half into four sections, and cut thin slices. Pour over the tomatoes and stir around. Take the small bowl w

Salads Dressing Pepper Salt ...

Spires came in a sieve, rinse them and let them drip dry. Mix the vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar in a large bowl. Stir the oil in a little at a time. Cut the peppers into quarters, remove stalk holiday, frøstol and grains and cut the flesh into thin str

Mains Cauliflower Yellow and green pepper Sherry tomatoes ...

Margarine and break into pieces in the flour. Salt, vinegar, egg and water is added and the dough is kneaded well together. Now cut the onion into cubes and FRY in margarine together with the rice. Then pour the water and put the lid on. cooking time about 10