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Recipes with Salt

Cakes Eggs Cardamom, ground Salt ...

Melt the butter and add the water. Stir the egg in it and crumble the yeast. The drying ingredients are mixed and the dough is kneaded smooth and smooth for about 6-10 minutes. The dough stands for 15-20 min. A warm place Form 12 buns and put them in a s

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken ...

The chicken is cleaned filled with bacon in the tern Stone-free grapes garlic salt and pepper. Brunes well in the frying pan fry about One hour per kg. With 2 dl. white wine tips: Accessories salad. The salad is mixed with spring onion grapes and bacon f

Dressing Feta cheese neturel Knorr aumat Cold pilfer oil ...

Get everything in a blinder and drive it until it's a smooth mesh, taste the cannon

Mains Lemon juice Wheat flour Pepper ...

Spice the helleflyndersteaksne with salt and pepper and turn into flour. Stir 7-8 minutes on each side in a mixture of butter and oil. Salad: Peel the asparagus thinly from head to foot. Cut the ends and cook asparagus for 6-7 minutes. In leachate water. L

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Rids grew on the club. Bring garlic and fresh rosemary into a mortar with a little oil. Rub the club. You can also use akasiehonnng. Season with salt and pepper. Stir at 190 degrees C approx. 2 hours 68 gr. Core tension. The meat must be pulled for 20 minu

Mains Leaf celery Pepper coarse Salt ...

Stir a red wine making of red wine make the cloves, put the meat in and leave it for a day and pull. The day after, all the cries are taken away, aiming for the rest to make sure there is nothing left of crying. Grate onions and celery in the oil, add the me

Desserts (warm) Salt Eggs Oil ...

Mix all that dry. Whip with an electric whip, milk, egg and oil in. tips: Bake on a slip-light pan by medium heat. I use a soup for a pancake and "shake it" until it is the size of a dessert plate.