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Recipes with Salt

Sides Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The potatoes are brushed well or peeled and cut into slices about 1/2 cm thick. Garlic pressed. Oregano and basil are cut into very small pieces. Remove possibly the roughest of the stems. All ingredients come in a plastic bag that is shaken well. The bag i

Lunch Flour (see recipe) Tomatssauce Optional fill ...

Mix water and yeast together. Bring salt, sugar, oil into the dough. Bring flour until the dough is firm, let the dough raise for 30 minutes, turn the oven to 200 degrees. Spread the dough onto a baking sheet with baking paper. Take advantage of the tomato sau

Sides Pepper Salt Oil ...

The potatoes are cut into slices about 1/2 cm thick. Garlic pressed. Oregano and basil are cut into very small pieces. Everything comes in a plastic bag together with salt and pepper. It all shakes well and stays 1-2 hours. Shake the bag occasionally. Pr

Sides Duck fat Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes. Pre-cook them. They must not be very tender. Pour the water and shake them into the pan to get a slightly rough surface. Pour a little fat into a dish where the potatoes can be. Turn the potatoes into the grease. Place the dish in the

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

The cabbage is divided into blocks and the stick is cut out. The outer leaves are peeled off and blanched. The inner white / coarse leaves can be cut into mundane pieces that are boiled and then shaken and served. All the ingredients for the father are stir

Mains Lemon juice Vinegar Salt ...

1. Stir or blend spices, ginger and whiskey well into the oil 2. Grease the meat with lemon and vinegar and turn it into marinade. Let the meat marinate overnight in the fridge 3. Remove the meat and turn the yogurt into the marinade. Let it marinate ano

Mains Spices to taste Pepper Grated cheese ...

Cook the pasta half done. Sprinkle spinach so all liquid is gone. Stir the beef with onions. Mix it all together in a pan with tomatoes and cream. Gratiners with cheese in the oven for 30 min.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Onions and garlic are chopped fine, sautéed in olive oil without burning. The potatoes are torn and tucked free of moisture. Spinach leaves chopped, All ingredients are mixed. The oil is heated in a pan and the mixture is distributed therein and golden on b