Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sides Salt Water Butter BLOBs ...

Peel the carrots. Cut them into thick slices and put them in the saucepan. Pour water over, add salt and bring to a boil. The boil to the carrots is tender. Put a slice of butter over a bowl and drain the contents of the goat so that the carrots become dry

Mains Pepper Salt Large blobs of butter ...

Put the steps in a refractory dish. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Place the butterballs on top of the ladder. Put the steps in a 200 degree hot (standard) oven. Leave it half an hour. Turn it down to 180 degrees and allow it to stand for one hour.

Cakes Almond flakes Salt Eggs ...

Flour, baking soda and sugar mixed in a bowl. Cold chickens chopped in. Egg and milk mix - store a little for brushing - mix the rest in the flour. Eel a little and roll out into 1 cm thick on baking paper which makes it easy to fold the dough afterwards. T

Soups Pepper Salt Water ...

Boil the pigskin until the meat drops off the leg. Tell the water after boiling the meat. Peel potatoes and cut them into the tern, boil them in meat the water until they are tender, Add the bouliong powder and vegetables and pasta cook until they are tende

Salads Pepper Salt Pomegranate ...

Boil bulgur and squeezed garlic with 2½ dl. Water for 15 minutes and allow to cool to warm condition. While bulgur is boiled and cooled, the rest of the salad can be cooked. Peel the carrots and cut them into small terns. Peel the oranges and cut them into

Mains Flutes Ketchup Margarine for Browning ...

Cut the onions into cubes and season them in fat. Add the beef and stir until everything is switched and the meat looks like a million steak. Add rice, broth and puree. Bring it all in the boil and then screw down for the heat. Let the dish stand and smash

Mains 1-2 paragraph fresh chilli pepper finely minced or finely chopped fresh Kale Fresh chopped parsley Pepper ...

Cut the potatoes into 4 pieces. Chop onion and garlic Pour oil over and salt and pepper after taste mix well together and pour it on a hot pan tips: Can be made on the grill during the summer.

Soups Pepper Salt Vegetable broth ...

Cut the peppers into large pieces and put them in a fireproof dish. Pill the garlic and put them in the dish as well. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Distribute the oil over the dish. Bake it in the oven for 30 minutes on a 200 degree ordinary oven. Pour t