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Recipes with Salt

Cold cuts Chili Pepper Salt ...

The vegetables are boiled until they are tender. The remaining ingredients blend together with the vegetables in a blender. The egg yolk is lubricated with olive oil, the dough is poured in and Sprinkle with rasp on top. Bake at 170-180 ° C for approx. 4

Cold cuts Atamon Chili after taste Pepper ...

Beetroot, potatoes and horseradish blend until the cream is creamy. Then add olive oil, salt, pepper and possibly. chili. Blend until all is mixed. Add if necessary. Atamon (1-2 capsule) to increase shelf life. tips: Good butter sandwich for rye bread.

Breakfast & brunch Salt Yeast Cold water ...

Stir yeast into cold water, add flour and salt and stir well together. It must be quite a fountain and you should not put your hands down and kneel. Sprinkle some flour over the dough, cover the bowl with a film or place in an airtight bag. Put the bowl on the

Sauces Jævning (possibly marizenamel mixed with water) Pepper Salt ...

Pour the cloud from the pork ladder into a pan. Pour 1/2 dl water in. Whip cream, ketchup and mustard in. Crumble the vegetable bowl and whip. Pour red wine in. Taste with salt and pepper. Even the sauce that warms up well. Add the color until the sauce has th

Cake add-ons Baking soda Cinnamon Salt ...

Eggs & amp; Melis is whipped well the same after it comes in tips: Bake v.200c / 180c for approx. An hour is seen after a 1/2 hour time

Mains Pepper Rice Salt ...

The chops are turned into flour with salt and pepper. Then stew a little on the forehead and put it in a fireproof dish. Bacon, corn, cocktail sausage is placed in the dish and the rest of the flour is sprinkled upstairs. Coffee coffe, whipped cream and tom

Mains Cinnamon Olive oil/other cooking oil Pepper ...

Season the onions in the pan / pan until they are lightly browned and then add the meat. When the meat is almost fried in, add the wine and let it stand for 2-3 minutes at medium heat. Add tomato, bay leaves, salt, pepper, cinnamon and sugarcake. Let it stan

Sauces Freshly ground pepper Corn flour to jævning Salt ...

Take a thickened pot and pour the cream in. Reduce the flow, stirring regularly, medium to high heat until it has become creamy and thickened. It should feel smooth. Now come 1½ dl white wine and gorgonzola in the cream. If there is crust on the gorgonzola